Isotope Analysis

Laboratoire d’Analyses d’Isotopes Stables (LADIS)

AEBB Grand Est – LADIS

UMR FARE offers a service of elementary and stable isotope analyses (LADIS) for researchers and engineers from Public Scientific and Technological Establishments (EPST), as well as applied Research Institutes and Higher Education Establishments identified in the field of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (environmental biology, plant and microbial biology, agronomy, soil science).

Fields of application

The laboratory performs simultaneous quantification of stable isotopes of carbon (13C/12C), nitrogen (15N/14N) and sulphur (34S/32S) from natural abundance to a maximum isotopic excess of 10 %, on solid (soil, sediment, plants, fungi, macromolecules), liquid (drainage water, soil solution, plant extract) or gaseous (aliquot of atmosphere) samples. 

The laboratory has first-rate equipment acquired in 2019 and integrated into the regional platform AEBB (Agro-sciences Environnement Biotechnologies and Bioeconomy). It is based on scientific experience and technical know-how in the use and analysis of these stable isotopes.

Committed to quality assurance in research and connected to the European inter-laboratory analysis network WEPAL, through the international programme for the exchange of soil and plant samples, LADIS has the capacity to respond to diversified analytical demands with or without scientific collaboration. It is under the responsibility of two INRAE engineers.

30 years of experience

Created at the end of the 1970s at the INRA Agronomy station in Laon (Aisne Department), the laboratory has become over time a national service of the Environment and Agronomy Department (presently named AgroEcoSystem) of INRAE. Since 2008, it has been a component of UMR FARE, and is located at the Centre de Recherche en Environnement et Agronomie in Reims. The scientific topics addressed in the UMR involve the use of isotopes to study the degradation of lignocellulosic biomasses and the biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and carbon in the soil/plant/atmosphere continuum.

Today, with more than 30 years of experience, LADIS provides this service of sample analysis, support and training in sample preparation for INRAE, CIRAD research units, as well as for French and foreign academic organizations, e.g., University of Marseille and Reims, ISARA Lyon, Terres Inovia, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, etc.

Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometers (IRMS) and their coupled peripheral modules 

Delta Plus Advantage (Thermo Electron, Bremen, Allemagne) : δ13C , δ15N

- Elemental Analyze C N, EA EuroVector (EuroVector, Pavia, Italie) : %N, %C



PrecisION (Isoprime, Cheadle Hulme, Royaume-Uni) : δ13C , δ15N , δ34S


- Elemental Analyzer C N S,  Vario isotope Cube (Elementar, Hanau, Allemagne) : %N, %C, %S,

- Dissolved Organic Carbon Analyzer  IsoToc Cube (Elementar, Hanau, Allemagne) : mgL-1 COD

CO dissout

- IsoFlow gas module  (Isoprime, Cheadle Hulme, Royaume-Uni) : Analyse CO32- , CO2 , N2


Contacts and analysis requests

Technical Centre Chair : G. Alavoine,

Technical manager : O. Delfosse,

For further information and before requesting analyses, please contact Olivier Delfosse by e-mail.

Afterwards, the analysis request form below should be completed and returned

Our references (internal and partners publications 

Bertrand I., Delfosse O., Mary B. (2007) Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in acidic, limed and calcareous agricultural soils: Apparent and actual effects. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 276-288. DOI

Coppens F., Alavoine G., Delfosse O., Recous S. (2009) Evaluation of sample pre-treatment and potential contamination of soluble carbon in soil extracts during lyophilization  Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41, 6, 1335-1337 DOI

Prache S., Kondjoyan N., Delfosse O., Chauveau-Duriot B., Andueza D., Cornu A. (2009) Discrimination of pasture-fed lambs from lambs fed dehydrated alfalfa indoors using different compounds measured in the fat, meat and plasma. Animal , 3, 598-605. DOI

Salon, C. ; Voisin, A.S. ; Delfosse, O. ; Mary, B. (2010) Methodologies for measuring symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the field. Munier-Jolain, N. (Coordinateur) ; Biarnès, V. (Coordinateur) ; Chaillet, I. (Coordinateur) ; Lecoeur, J. (Coordinateur) ; Jeuffroy, M.H. (Coordinateur). Physiology of the pea crop. Boca Raton (USA) : CRC Press ; 83-87.

Devincenzi T., Delfosse O., Andueza D., Nabinger C., Prache S. (2013) Dose-dependent response of nitrogen stable isotope ratio to proportion of legumes in diet to authenticate lamb meat produced from legume-rich pastures. Food Chemistry, 152 : 456-461. DOI

Attard E., Le Roux X., Charrier X., Delfosse O., Guillaumaud N., Lemaire G., Recous S. (2016) Delayed and asymmetric responses of soil C pools and N fluxes to grassland/cropland conversions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 97, 31-39. DOI

Autret B, Mary B, Chenu C, Balabane M, Girardin C, Bertrand M, Grandeau G, Beaudoin N (2016) Alternative arable cropping systems: A key to increase soil organic carbon storage? Results from a 16 year field experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 232, 150-164, DOI

Ferchaud F., Vitte G., Machet J-M., Beaudoin N., Catterou M., Mary B. (2016) The fate of cumulative applications of 15N-labelled fertiliser in perennial and annual bioenergy crops, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 223, 76-86, DOI 

Lashermes G, Gainvors-Claisse A, Recous S, Bertrand I (2016) Enzymatic Strategies and Carbon Use Efficiency of a Litter-Decomposing Fungus Grown on Maize Leaves, Stems, and Roots. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:1315. DOI

Sauvadet M, Lashermes G, Alavoine G, Recous S, Chauvat M, Maron PA, Bertrand I (2018). High carbon use efficiency and low priming effect promote soil C stabilization under reduced tillage. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 64–73. DOI.

Fanin, N. Alavoine, G. Bertrand, I. (2020), Temporal dynamics of litter quality, soil properties and microbial strategies as main drivers of the priming effect. Geoderma, 377, 114576. DOI

Modification date: 06 June 2023 | Publication date: 14 April 2020 | By: G. Alavoine / O. Delfosse