

UMR FARE members are involved in various teaching activities at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA) and other schools and universities, for a total teaching time of around 1,300 hours per year.


Deputy director of the Agriculture, Food, Biology, Environment and Health (ABIES) doctoral school at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University: Pr. Caroline Rémond

Head of the URCA erasmus mundus master's program "Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy" (Bioceb): Pr. Caroline Rémond

Responsible for the first year common to the "Life Sciences" and "Life and Earth Sciences" (SV/SVT) bachelor's degrees at URCA: Angélique Claisse-Gainvors

Deputy Director of the Packaging Emballage et Conditionnement (PEC) department at the IUT de Reims-Châlons-Charleville (Reims site) : Pr Françoise Berzin

Master 1 AgroScience Biology (BAS) supervisor: Sofiene Abdellaoui

Teaching at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA)

DUT Packaging Emballage et Conditionnement (PEC): 55h in 1A and 100h in 2A in introductory courses in quality control, polymer chemistry, printing techniques, polymers, post-DUT courses and applied chemistry

Bachelor of biology: 230h in 1st year, 230h in 2nd year and 205h in 3rd year in microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnologies, biorefinery, bioenergy, physiology, agronomy, biostatistics and professional projects

Bachelor Pro in food Industries and Agro-ressources : 23 h in food process and 38h in quality analysis in microbiology

Bachelor Pro in wood valorization and Industrial packaging : 75h in biorefinery and 10h in polymer science

Bachelor Pro in Biotechnology: 50 h in microbiology and molecular biology

Bachelor Pro in Safety, Health, Environment: 15 h Microbiology and microbiological risks

Master Biologie AgroScience (BAS), master Erasmus program Bioceb and Master Science de la Vigne et du Vin (SVV): 180h in M1 Biotechnologies, Plant Chemistry, Biorefinery (BCVB), Plant Biomass Production and Bioprotection (PBVB), Wines and Champagne (VeC) and Viticulture and Environment (VeE), on plant constituents, biorefinery, molecular biology of microorganisms, industrial biotechnologies, production of biosourced molecules of interest and vineyard and agricultural soils. 85h in M2 BCVB course, on fermentation processes and the application of enzymes in biorefineries, and on biobased polymers; 58h in M2 PBVB course on "Fermentation and Biorefinery" on agronomy and agroecology.

Master in Safety, Health, Environment: 9h microorganisms and biological risks.

Teaching at other universities and schools

AgroParisTech: 4h on glycoside hydrolases, deconstruction of lignocelluloses and industrial enzymes.

Néoma Business School: 2h on introduction to biorefinery.

Université Technologique de Troyes: member of the École Universitaire de Recherche (EUR) "Nano-Optics & Nanophotonics" (NANO-PHOT), visit and hosting of internship students.