Demange Fanny
Address : UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims cedex 2, France



2024 (6 months) : Intern at IGBMC - Transcriptomic analyses using RNA-seq in murine models of centronuclear myopathies

2023 (4 months) : Intern at LS2N - Multi-omics analyses of post-transplanted murine samples derived from the microbiota of Alzheimer’s disease patients

2021 (1 month) : Intern at US2B - Study on the characterization of interactions between sugar and the chitin-binding protein A through molecular modeling


2022-2024: Master’s degree in Bioinformatics

2018-2022: Bachelor’s degree in biology, specializing in Life Sciences


FAIRification of data
Workflow development on Galaxy
Automation of laboratory protocols

Research interests

I am working on the Galaxy-BioProd project, whose main objective is to digitize protocols. The aim is to promote the FAIRification of tools and resources, so they can be easily found, shared, and used by other biologists.