
Jolly Emelyne

Research technician
Adress: UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims




Since 2021: Research technician in Biochemistry at UMR FARE, Reims

2018-2020 : Development technician at SATT Nord, Reims

2017 (6 months): Student engineer assistant at UMR CNRS 7312, Reims

2016 (1 month): Laboratory technician / quality control assistant at SARL Moulins Bourgeois, Verdelot

2015 (2 months): Student laboratory technician at SARL Moulins Bourgeois, Verdelot


2017-2018: 3rd year BBTE Bachelor in "Cell Biology and Physiology" (not validated) at University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne

2016-2017: Professional Bachelor "Biotechnologies applied to health at University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne

2014-2016: Advanced Technician’s Certificate "Bioanalyses and Controls" at college Hugues Libergier in Reims


Cellular and molecular biology: cell culture, transfection, cloning, ELISA analyzes

Biochemistry and chemistry: Spectrophotometry, chromatography, colorimetric assays, enzymatic methods (enzymatic hydrolyses)

Microbiology: bacterial growth, identification of microorganisms

Industrial biotechnologies and quality: manufacturing processes in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Quality assurance (HACCP system, GLP, GMP, Deming wheel and risk management)

Research interests

ColorANTH Project: Optimization of the extraction of anthocyanins from distillery pomace and improvement of their functionality as colorants and antioxidants.

Extraction by enzymatic hydrolysis and enzymatic functionalization