Kunnemann Tom
Postdoctoral researcher in urban soil biogeochemistry
Adress : UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims




2019 - 2023 : PhD at Institut-Agro Rennes-Angers - Angers

2023 - 2025 : Post-doc at INRAE UMR FARE - Reims


2012 - 2014 : Two-year University degree in Management and Protection of Nature - Périgueux

2014 - 2015 : One-year undergraduate intensive course in biology to prepare for nationwide competitive examination - Gennevilliers

2015 - 2018 : M. Sc. in Agricultural Engineering, Institut Polytechnique UniLasalle - Beauvais

2019 - 2023 : Ph. D. in Urban Ecology, Institut-Agro Rennes-Angers – Angers


C stocks and greenhouse gas emission measurements
Characterization of litter decomposition

Research interests

My research is part of the national SAGES project (Sols urbAins: quantification des émissions de Gaz à Effet de Serre et des pertes par lixiviation, 2022-25), which aims to assess and understand the carbon and nitrogen cycles in different urban green space types, with contrasting properties and managements. The aim of my post-doc is to characterize litter decomposition in urban green spaces, and to model C and N mineralization and GHG emissions. Thus, I'm measuring the decomposition of litter by urban green space soils under controlled conditions. The data obtained from these incubations will be used to develop a model able to simulate and predict litter mineralization as well as N2O emissions. This model will be adapted to specific urban soils and calibrated for ornamental species and species associations.


Since 2021 : 12 hours of practical work in soil science at ISTOM in Angers

Main publications

Künnemann T, Cannavo P, Guérin V, Guénon R (2023) Soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in open lawns, treed lawns and urban woodlands in Angers, France. Urban Ecosyst. DOI

Künnemann T (2023) Sols urbains et séquestration du carbone. In: Agir pour les sols urbains: des sols fonctionnels pour la nature en ville. Plante & cité, Angers

Künnemann T, Guérin V, Guénon R, Cannavo P (2023) Shading effect from trees reduces soil respiration in urban lawns. Acta Hortic 181–188. DOI

Viaud V, Kunnemann T (2021) Additional soil organic carbon stocks in hedgerows in crop-livestock areas of western France. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 305:107174. DOI