
Souiry Agathe

Research Engineer
Adress: UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims, France



2024: Research Engineer, UMR FARE INRAE – SLAM-B project: Prospective studies on the city of Reims as a biosourced city

2022 (6 months): Master 2 internship: Impact of climate change on the Dives marshes (Calvados)

2021 (6 months): Final year internship: Analysis of the landscape sensitivities of village silhouettes in the Luberon region


2021-2022: Master on climate change (Paris-Saclay University & AgroParisTech)

2019-2021: Bachelor Landschaftsarchitektur (HSWT – Germany)

2016 -2021: Landscape engineer (Institut Agro - Angers)


Territorial prospective - urban bioeconomy - GIS - data processing - landscape analysis - climate change

Research interests

Development of prospective scenarios for the organization of bio-economic activities in the Reims metropolitan area, in collaboration with local stakeholders. This research work is part of the SLAM-B project of the PEPR FairCarboN program, which ultimately aims to use the MAELIA tool to model and evaluate trajectories leading to "net zero carbon" in an urban environment.