
Stutzmann Charlotte

Research Engineer
Adress : 62 rue de la république, 54000 Nancy



2023-2025: Research engineer INRAE, SILVATECH and FARE

2023 (3 months): Continuation of internship to write a scientific journal

2023 (6months): End-of-study internship at Caron laboratory, Montreal

2019-2022: Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Mulhouse (France)

2017 - 2019 : Classe Préparatoire Physique Chimie, Lycée Roosevelt , Reims

Areas of expertise

Chemistry and biochemistry

Current research

My position involves developing several analytical methods to study the carbon and nitrogen fluxes of microorganisms in different types of soil, in order to determine any impact of agricultural and management practices on the cycles of these elements.

Main publications

C. Stutzmann, Jiaxi Peng , Zhaoguan Wu, Christopher Savoie, Isabelle Sirois, Pierre Thibault , Aaron R Wheeler, Etienne Caron, Unlocking the potential of microfluidics in mass spectrometry-based immunopeptidomics for tumor antigen discover