Address : UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims cedex 2, France




2019 : Intern, IPHC (Strasbourg)

2020 : Intern, Institut Pprime (Poitiers)

2020 - 2023 : PhD Student, LEM3 (Nancy)


2020 : Master’s degree in engineering (mechanics, structures and materials, Polytech Nancy)

2020 : Master’s degree in Mechanics, Materials, Structures and Processes (University of Lorraine)

2023 : PhD in material mechanics (University of Lorraine)


Material mechanics
Human biomechanics
Phenomenological modeling
Finite element modeling
Experiments/simulations comparison

Research interests

Biosourced Integration of Metamaterials by Additive Manufacturing (EXEBIO project)

Main publications

M. Drouet, L. Pichon, Y. Vallet, E. Le Bourhis, et T. L. Christiansen, « Surface engineering of titanium alloy TiAl6V4 by multi-interstitial diffusion using plasma processing », European Journal of Materials, vol. 2, no 1, p. 1‑11, 2022. DOI

Y. Vallet, C. Laurent, C. Bertholdt, R. Rahouadj, et O. Morel, « Analysis of suction-based gripping strategies in wildlife towards future evolutions of the obstetrical suction cup », Bioinspir Biomim, vol. 17, no 6, oct. 2022. DOI

Y. Vallet, J. Lefebvre, C. Laurent, R. Rahouadj, O. Morel, et B. Charline, « A preliminary quantification of the clinical gesture during vacuum assisted delivery on a training dummy », Clinical Biomechanics, vol. 109, p. 106093, sept. 2023. DOI

Y. Vallet, A. Baldit, C. Bertholdt, R. Rahouadj, O. Morel, et C. Laurent, « Characterization of the skin-to-bone mechanical interaction on porcine scalp: A combined experimental and computational approach », Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 147, p. 106139, nov. 2023. DOI

Y. Vallet, « Contribution à la caractérisation et à la modélisation de l’accouchement instrumenté par ventouse », Université de Lorraine, 2023. DOI

Y. Vallet et C. Laurent (2023). Biomécanique de la peau : caractérisations, modélisations et applications au scalp. in C. Laurent (dir.) et C. Verdier (dir.), Mécanique des tissus vivants : Imagerie, caractérisation et modélisation pour l’étude des tissus mous (pp. 61-93). Wiley-ISTE. DOI

Y. Vallet et al., « Reliability and Educational Potential of Computational Simulation of Vacuum-Assisted Delivery », 2024. DOI

Y. Vallet et C. Laurent (2024). Biomechanics of the Skin: Characterizations, Modeling and Scalp Applications. in C. Laurent (dir.) et C. Verdier (dir.), Mechanics of Living Tissues: Imaging, Characterization and Modeling Towards the Study of Soft Tissues (pp. 33-64). Wiley-ISTE. DOI