Aguie-Beghin Véronique
Research Engineer
Adress : UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims cedex 2




1995 - : Research Engineer (INRA, Reims)

1988-1991 : chemical analysis leader (Joker, Mâcon)


1986 : Master 1 Biochimie (Lille I)

1987 : DEA : Sciences des Aliments (ENSBANA, Dijon)

1991-1994 : PhD CIFRE (France-Luzerne, Châlons en Champagne) : Purification and  characterizations of physicochemical and functional properties of soluble foliar proteins of alfalfa


Research topics :
Studies of interactions between polymer plant cell walls
Development of biomimetic plant cell wall assemblies based on from cellulose nanocrystals, hemicelluloses and lignins and characterisation of their physico-chemical (spectroscopic, optical, hygroscopic, thermo-mechanical) and functional (antioxidant properties, etc.) properties.
Structure and Properties of biopolymers at interfaces (fluid, solid) - Applications: proteins, macromolecules of Champagne, lignins,…

Technical skills :
Langmuir-Blodgett, Spin-coating, casting
Spectroscopic ellipsometry; Ellipsometric microscopy; Surface Plasmon Resonance,  spectroscopies (UV/Visible/IR, fluorescence), Tensiometry (bubble, Wilhelmy plate, contact angle); Scattering light diffusion, Neutron Reflectivity;
Biochemical analyzis (HPLC, electrophoresis,…)

Research interests

Understanding at the molecular, nanometric and micrometric scales of i/ native or bioinspired polymer assemblies (cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignins), ii/ mechanisms leading to parietal cohesion and accessibility of lignocellulose walls by destructuring agents (hydrolases, oxidases, etc.): individualisation of the mechanisms involved through the use of bioinspired systems of increasing complexity, iii/ valorisation of lignocellulosic assemblies in higher added-value applications.

Current projects: EcoDROP (Carnot 3BCAR, 2023-2024), ANR LABEL (2023-2026), EUR PIA3 - NANOPHOT (2020-2024), NAFILAB (Ademe, 2023-2025).

Main recent publications

Aguié-Béghin V*, Di Loreto Campos N, Domenek S, Maillard M-N, Ducrot P-H, Baumberger. The Potential of Lignins as Multifunctional Additives. Green Chemistry and Agro-Food Industry : Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy 2024, 269–290. DOI

Falourd X*, Rondeau-Mouro C, Cambert M, Lahaye M, Chabbert B, Aguié-Béghin V. Assessing the complementarity of time domain NMR, solid-state NMR and dynamic vapor sorption in the characterization of polysaccharide-water interactions. Carbohydrate Polymers 2024, 326, 121579. DOI

Falourd X*, Rondeau-Mouro C, Cambert M, Lahaye M, Chabbert B, Aguié-Béghin V. Polysaccharide-water interactions: NMR and DVS data. Data in Brief 2024, 53. DOI

Marcuello-Angles C*,Chabbert B, Berzin F*, Bercu N, Molinari M, Aguié V*. Influence of surface chemistry of fiber and lignocellulosic materials on adhesion properties with polybutylene succinate at nanoscale. Materials 2023, 16, 6, 2440. DOI

Hambardzumyan A, Vayer M, Foulon L, Pernes M, Devers T, Bigarre J, Aguié-Béghin V*. Nafion membranes reinforced by cellulose nanocrystals for fuel cell applications: aspect ratio and heat treatment effects on physical properties. Journal of Matter Science 2022, 57, 4684-4703. DOI

Coste R, Soliman M, Bercu NB,  Potiron S,  Lasri L,  Aguié-Béghin V, Tetard L, Chabbert B*,  Molinari M*. Unveiling the impact of embedding resins on the physicochemical traits of wood cell walls with subcellular functional probing. Composite Science and Technology 2021, 201, 108485. DOI

Gerbin E, Rivière GN, Foulon L, Frapart YM, Cottyn B, Pernes M, Marcuello C, Godon B, Gainvors-Claisse A, Crônier D, Majira A, Österberg M, Kurek B, Baumberger S, Aguié-Béghin V*. Tuning the functional properties of lignocellulosic films by controlling the molecular and supramolecular structure of lignin. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2021, 181, 136-149. DOI

Berzin F, Lemkhanter L, Marcuello C, Chabbert B, Aguié-Béghin V, Molinari M, Castellani R, Vergnes B*. Influence of the polarity of the matrix on the breakage mechanisms of lignocellulosic fibers during twin-screw extrusion. Polymer Composites 2020, 41, 1106–1117. DOI

Gerbin E, Frapart YM, Marcuello C, Cottyn B, Foulon L, Pernes M, Crônier D, Molinari M, Chabbert B, Ducrot PH, Baumberger S, Aguié-Béghin V*, Kurek B. Dual antioxidant properties and organic radical stabilization in cellulose nanocomposite films functionalized by in situ polymerization of coniferyl alcohol. Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 3163-3175. DOI

Marcuello C*, Foulon L, Chabbert B, Aguié-Béghin V, Molinari M*. Atomic force microscopy reveals how relative humidity impacts the Young’s modulus of lignocellulosic polymers and their adhesion with cellulose nanocrystals at the nanoscale. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2020,147, 1064–1075. DOI

PhD thesis supervisor

Co-supervision of thesis : SARIEDDINE Aya. Selective biocatalyzed acylation of lignins and their potential as biobased antioxidant in thermoplastics. Thèse de doctorat de l'Université de Paris-Saclay, 31 octobre 2023.  Directeurs de thèse : Françoise Berzin (FARE) et Paul-Henri Ducrot (IJPB), co-encadrants : Véronique Aguié-Béghin (FARE) et Florian Pion (IJPB).

PINLOCHE Elise. Oxydation des lignocelluloses par les radicaux hydroxyles. Thèse de doctorat de l'Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, 17 mars 2020. Directeur de thèse : Bernard Kurek,  co-encadrante : Véronique Aguié-Béghin.

Other activities

Quality Manager of the UMR FARE 614 Unit
Member of the FARE communication unit