Image par defaut
Address : UMR FARE, INRAE, URCA, 2 esplanade Roland Garros, 51 100 Reims


2020 : Research Engineer, INRAE, FARE laboratory, Reims

2008 - 2020 : Assistant Engineer, INRA, FARE laboratory, Reims

2002 - 2008 : Assistant Engineer, INRA, Agronomy laboratory, Laon-Reims-Mons

1995 - 2002 : Assistant Engineer, INRA, Agronomy laboratory, Châlons-Reims

1988 - 1995 : Assistant Engineer, Aisne General Council, Laon


2014 : Course training to cooperate as a team. SYSTEMIC conseil, Reims

2011 : Course training in general metrology. CT2M, Paris

2005 : Course training in the management and maintenance of confined environments housing quarantine organisms. INRA continuous training, Montpellier

1986 : Diploma of Technology in Physical Measurements. University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims


Chemical analysis methods (carbon, nitrogen, Van Soest fractionation, polyphenols, ergosterol, fumigation-extraction, enzymatic activities) applied to the biological processes of plant biomass biodegradation in soil
Measurement of gas flows (CO2, N2O) at the soil-atmosphere interface
Design of instrumented devices
Use of stable isotopes, development of 13C and 15N determination methods

Research interests

They focus on the study of greenhouse gas emissions (N2O, CO2), mineral nitrogen and microbial dynamics during decomposition of crop residues and root litters in soil. More recently, they aim is also to better understand the fiber plant dew retting process in the field. The experimental approaches developed are conducted both under controlled laboratory conditions and in instrumented field devices.


Since 2015: 5H TD in Master 2 Plant Biomass Production and Bioprotection (BVPB) of the URCA on the biodegradability of crop residues in soil and the determination of the soil microbial biomass content by fumigation - extraction.

Main publications

Bleuze, L.; Lashermes, G.; Alavoine, G.; Recous, S.; Chabbert, B., Tracking the dynamics of hemp dew retting under controlled environmental conditions. Industrial Crops and Products 2018, 123, 55-63. DOI

Sauvadet, M.; Lashermes, G.; Alavoine, G.; Recous, S.; Chauvat, M.; Maron, P.-A.; Bertrand, I., High carbon use efficiency and low priming effect promote soil C stabilization under reduced tillage. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2018, 123, 64-73. DOI

Iqbal A., Aslam S., Alavoine G., Benoit P., Garnier P., Recous S. (2015). Rain regime and soil type affect the C and N dynamics in soil columns that are covered with mixed-species mulches. Plant and Soil, 393, 319-334. DOI

Bertrand I, Ehrhardt F., Alavoine G, Joulian C., Malam Issa O., Valentin C., (2014). Regulation of carbon and nitrogen exchange rates in biological soil crusts by intrinsic and land use factors in the sahel area. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 72, 133-144. DOI

Coppens F., Alavoine G., Delfosse O., Recous S. (2009). Evaluation of sample pre-treatment and potential contamination of soluble carbon in soil extracts during lyophilisation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41, 1335-1337. DOI

Alavoine G., Houlbert J.C., Nicolardot B. (2008). Comparison of three methods to determine C decomposition of organic materials in soils under controlled conditions. Pedobiologia 52, 61-68. DOI

Parnaudeau V., Nicolardot B., Robert P., Alavoine G., Pagès J., Duchiron F. (2006). Organic matter characteristics of food processing industry wastewaters affecting their C and N mineralization in soil incubation. Bioresource Technology 97, 1284-1295. DOI

Alavoine G., Nicolardot B. (2002). Comparison of potentiometric titration, IR spectrophotometry and segmented micro-flow analysis to determine inorganic C in alkaline solutions. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 374, 354-358. DOI

Alavoine G., Nicolardot B. (2001). High-temperature catalytic oxidation method for measuring total dissolved nitrogen in K2SO4 soil extracts. Analytica Chimica Acta 445, 107-115. DOI

Alavoine G., Nicolardot B. (2000). Comparison of various methods for the determination of total N in liquid effluents. Analusis 28, 88-92. DOI

Other activities

Metrology manager