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Berzin Françoise
Full Professor (Process Engineering) Deputy Director (IUT Reims, Packaging Department)
Address : IUT RCC, Département PEC, Chemin des Rouliers, CS 30012, 51687 Reims Cedex 2
UMR FARE INRAE URCA, 2 Esplanade Roland Garros, 51686 Reims Cedex 2





Since 2017 : Full Professor, URCA (Reims)

2000 - 2017 : Associate Professor, URCA (Reims)

1999 - 2000 : Post-Doc, École des Mines de Paris (in partnership with Arkema)

1998 - 1999 : Post-Doc, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada)


2008 : HDR, URCA (Reims)

1998 : PhD, École des Mines de Paris (MINES Paris PSL)

1995 : School of Engineering, École des Mines de Douai (IMT Nord Europe)

1995 : Master in Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry (Lille)


Polymer and composites science
Single and twin-screw extrusion, injection process
Polymer chemistry
Continuum mechanics and numerical simulation
Kinetic and rheokinetic modelling
Defibration process (lignocellulosic fibers)

Research interests

Preparation of new composite materials based on lignocellulosic fibers and lignins

Study of CNC/CNF based nanocomposites prepared by twin screw extrusion

Processing of bio-based polymers


In first year of Packaging Engineering Bachelor
Quality control 1, Materials packaging 1, Computer tools, Perform metrology tests, Graphic design and printing, Materials packaging 2, Perform standardized tests on packaging, Portfolio

In second year of Packaging Engineering Bachelor
Materials packaging 3, Personalized Training Program, Supply Chain, Industrialization, Portfolio

In third year of Packaging Engineering Bachelor
Packaging certification 1, Packaging certification 2, Supply Chain, Industrialization

Main publications

Dony P., Berzin F., Thermogravimetric, morphological and infrared analysis of blends Involving thermoplastic starch and poly(ethylene-co-methacrylic acid) and its Ionomer form, Molecules, Materials Chemistry, 28, 4159, 2023 DOI

Marcuello-Angles C., Chabbert B., Berzin F., Bercu N., Molinari M., Aguié V., Influence of surface chemistry of fiber and lignocellulosic materials on adhesion properties with polybutylene succinate at nanoscale, Materials, 16, 2440, 2023 DOI

Berzin F., Lemkhanter L., Marcuello-Angles C., Chabbert B., Aguié V., Molinari M., Castellani R., Vergnes B., Influence of the polarity of the matrix on the breakage mechanisms of lignocellulosic fibers in twin screw extrusion, Polymer Composites, 41, 1106, 2020 DOI

Berzin F., Composites polymères et fibres lignocellulosiques. Propriétés, transformation, caractérisation, Edition Hermès Lavoisier (313 p), 2017 DOI

Berzin F., Beaugrand J., Dobosz S., Budtova T., Vergnes B., Lignocellulosic fiber breakage in a molten polymer. Part 3. Modelling of the dimensional evolution of the fibers during compounding by twin screw extrusion, Composite Part A, 101, 422, 2017 DOI

Berzin F., Vergnes B., Beaugrand J., Evolution of lignocellulosic fibre length distribution along the screw profile during compounding with polycaprolactone, Composite Part A, 59, 30, 2014 DOI

Beaugrand J., Berzin F., Lignocellulosic fibre reinforced composites: influence of compounding conditions on defibrization and mechanical properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 128, 1227, 2012 DOI

Landreau E., Tighzert L., Bliard C., Berzin F., Lacoste C., Morphologies and properties of plasticized starch/polyamide compatibilized blend, European Polymer Journal, 45, 2609, 2009 DOI

Berzin F., Hu G., Procédés d'extrusion réactive, In: Techniques de l'Ingénieur, AM 3654, 2004 DOI

Berzin F., Vergnes B., Dufossé P., Delamare L., Modeling of peroxide initiated controlled degradation of polypropylene in a twin screw extruder, Polymer Engineering and Science, 40, 344, 2000 DOI

Supervision of students

2023, A. Saradienne, Selective biocatalyzed acylation of lignins and their potential as biobased antioxidant in thermoplastics
2021, M. Bencharki, Development and electrical characterization of bio-based polymer nanocomposites for electrical insulation
2018, P. Dony, Elaboration and characterization of materials from agro-resources
2015, S. Risse, Development and characterization of renewable materials for tubes used in cosmetics
PhD supervision (8) - Post-doc supervision (4) - Engineer supervision (4)
Student coaching (BACHELOR, MASTER)

Other activities

Member of the ANR Scientific Evaluation Committee (2024-2025)
Elected member of the Board of Directors of Groupe Français de Rhéologie (since 2019)
Co-editor of "Rheology" journal
Expert at ANSES: Working Group "Packaging residues"
Elected member of the National Pedagogical Commission of the PEC, SGM and MP Departments
Elected member of the PEC Department Board (since 2009) and the BUT Advanced Training Board (since 2022)
Participation in and implementation of research projects: ANR, CIFRE, CPER, INRAE Transfert, INTERREG, SATT Nord