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Berzin Françoise

Professor - Deputy director of the Packaging Engineering Department (IUT Reims)
Address : UMR FARE , 2 Esplanade Roland Garros, 51686 Reims Cedex 2, France


Since 2017: Full professor, URCA (Reims)

2000-2017: Associate professor, URCA (Reims)

1999-2000: Post-Doc, École des Mines de Paris (in partnership with Arkema)

1998-1999: Post-Doc, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada)


2008: HDR, URCA (Reims)

1998: PhD, École des Mines de Paris (MINES ParisTech)

1995: School of Engineering, École des Mines de Douai (IMT Lille Douai)

1995: Master in Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry (Lille)


Polymer and composites science

Single and twin-screw extrusion, injection process

Polymer chemistry

Continuum mechanics and numerical simulation


Kinetic and rheokinetic modelling

Mechanical properties

Defibration process (lignocellulosic fibers)

Research interests

Processing of bio-based polymers

Preparation of new materials based on biopolymers and lignocellulosic fibers

Study of defibration process (lignocellulosic fibers) by twin screw extrusion

Study of CNC/CNF based nanocomposites prepared by twin screw extrusion


In first year of DUT Packaging Engineering

Initiation of quality (10h) - Chemistry of polymers (30h) - Printing techniques (14h)

In second year of DUT Packaging Engineering

Polymers (60h) - Applied chemistry (30h)

In third year of LICENCE PRO Packaging Conception and Design

Polymers (10h)

Main publications

F. Berzin, Ph. Cassagnau, Aspects fondamentaux - Écoulements et comportement rhéologique. Lois de rhéologie prédictives appliquées à la polymérisation ou à la dépolymérisation en masse, Chapitre 1.3, 32-46

F. Berzin, B. Vergnes, Contrôle du procédé : instrumentation et modélisation - Simulation et modélisation thermomécanique des opérations d’extrusion réactive, Chapitre 2.2, 89-116

F. Berzin, F. Becquart, Applications - Transformation de l’amidon, Chapitre 3.1, 143-155

In: Extrusion réactive. Des aspects fondamentaux aux développements industriels, Ph. Cassagnau & V. Bougor-Legaré Eds, Hermès, Lavoisier, 2019 DOI

F. Berzin, T. Amornsakchai, A. Lemaitre, R. Castellani, B. Vergnes, Influence of fiber content on rheological and mechanical properties of pineapple leaf fibers-polypropylene composites prepared by twin-screw extrusion, Polymer Composites, 40, 4519-4529, 2019 DOI

S. E. Hamdi, C. Delisée, J. Malvestio, J. Beaugrand, F. Berzin, Monitoring the diameter changes of flax fibre elements during twin screw extrusion using X-ray computed micro-tomography, Journal of natural fibers, sous presse, 2019 DOI

F. Berzin, B. Vergnes, Extrusion as advanced technology for cationic starches: modeling and computation. In: Biomass for Water Treatment, American Chemical Society Symposium Series 1304, Chapter 4, 67-88, 2018 DOI

F. Berzin, T. Amornsakchai, A. Lemaitre, E. Di Giuseppe, Processing and properties of pineapple leaf fibers-polypropylene composites prepared by twin-screw extrusion. Polymer Composites, 39, 4115-4122, 2018 DOI

F. Berzin, Composites polymères et fibres lignocellulosiques. Propriétés, transformation, caractérisation. Livre, Edition Hermès Lavoisier, 2017 DOI

F. Berzin, B. Vergnes, Modeling of twin screw reactive extrusion: challenges and applications. In: Reactive Extrusion: Principles and Applications, G. Beyer & C. Hopmann Eds, Wiley, Chapter 3, 39-64, 2017 DOI

F. Berzin, J. Beaugrand, S. Dobosz, T. Budtova, B. Vergnes, Lignocellulosic fiber breakage in a molten polymer. Part 3. Modelling of the dimensional evolution of the fibers during compounding by twin screw extrusion. Composite Part A, 101, 422-431, 2017 DOI

F. Berzin, B. Vergnes, J. Beaugrand, Evolution of lignocellulosic fibre length distribution along the screw profile during compounding with polycaprolactone. Composite Part A, 59, 30-36, 2014 DOI

L. Tighzert, F. Berzin, P. Dony, M. Vitofrancesco, S. Risse, Composition à base de polymères agro-sourcés et biodégradables. Brevet d'invention WO 2015092257 A1, INPI, 2013 DOI

J. A. Covas, A. Gaspar-Cunha, B. Vergnes, F. Berzin, Reactive Extrusion - Optimization of Representative Processes. In: Optimization of Polymer Processing, Nova Science Publishers, New York, Chapter 6, 115-143, 2011 DOI

F. Berzin, A. Tara, L. Tighzert, B. Vergnes, Importance of Coupling Specific Energy and Viscosity when Modeling Twin Screw Extrusion of Starchy Products. Polymer Engineering and Science, 50, 1758-1766, 2010 DOI

F. Berzin, A. Tara, L. Tighzert, Computation of Starch Cationization Performances by Twin Screw Extruder. Polymer Engineering and Science, 47, 112-119, 2007 DOI

B. Vergnes, F. Berzin, Modeling of Reactive Systems in Twin Screw Extrusion: Challenges and Applications. Comptes Rendus Chimie Académie des Sciences, Elsevier, 9, 1409-1418, 2006 DOI

W. Lu, L. Tighzert, F. Berzin, S. Rondot, Innovative plasticized starch films modified with waterborne polyurethane from renewable resources. Carbohydrate Polymers, 61, 174-182, 2005 DOI

F. Berzin, G. Hu, Procédés d'extrusion réactive. In: Techniques de l'Ingénieur, AM 3654, 1-16, 2004 DOI

F. Berzin, P. G. Lafleur, M. Grmela, B. Vergnes, A Theoretical Approach of Solid Filler Dispersion in a Twin Screw Extruder. Polymer Engineering and Science, 42, 473-481, 2002 DOI

F. Berzin, B. Vergnes, L. Delamare, Rheological Behavior of Controlled-Rheology Polypropylenes Obtained by Peroxide Promoted Degradation During Extrusion: Comparison Between Homopolymer and Copolymer. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 80, 1243-1252, 2001 DOI

F. Berzin, B. Vergnes, P. Dufossé, L. Delamare, Modeling of Peroxide Initiated Controlled Degradation of Polypropylene in a Twin Screw Extruder. Polymer Engineering and Science, 40, 344-356, 2000 DOI

Supervision of students

PhD supervision and co-supervision (6) - Post-doc (2) - Engineer (2)

Student coaching (DUT, Licence PRO, MASTER)

Other activities

Member of the Board of Directors (French Group of Rheology) - Co-editor of "Rheology" journal

Expert at ANSES: Working Group "Packaging residues"

Member of the National Pedagogical Commission of the PEC, SGM and MP Departments

Participation and setting up of research projects: CPER, CIFRE, SATT Nord, ANR, INTERREG