Research engineer
Address : UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, 51100 Reims, France



Since 2020 : Research engineer, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (FARE, Reims)

2020 : Research engineer, University of Toulouse (CESBIO, Toulouse)

2019 - 2020 : Postdoctoral fellow, University of Lorraine (LAE, Colmar)

2018 : Research officer, Terres Inovia

2016 - 2017 : Postdoctoral fellow, INRA (AgroImpact, Laon)

2013 - 2015 : Postdoctoral fellow, University of Lorraine (LAE, Nancy)

2012 - 2013 : Teaching and research essistant, University of Lorraine (ENSAIA, Nancy)

2011 - 2012 : Teaching and research assistant, University of Nancy (ENSTIB, Epinal)

2008 - 2012 : PhD student, CNRS-University of Lorraine (LIEBE, Metz)


2012 : PhD in Ecotoxicology Biodiversity Ecosystems, University of Lorraine

2007 : Master in Biology of Microorganisms, University of Strasbourg

2004 : Bachelor in Biochemistry, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne


Biogeochemical cycles, modelling, organic matter decomposition, microbial ecology

Research interests

Agronomic and environmental assessment of agricultural practices for the management of organic resources (lignocellulosic biomasses, exogenous organic matters) through modelling and multi-criteria assessment :
i) Improvement and development of soil and soil-plant models dedicated to the prediction of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling in agrosystems (C storage, N losses and greenhouse gas emissions)
ii) Integration of these models in territorial and multicriteria assessment approaches and in decision support tools.


Since 2021: Bachelor and Master students, UFR SEN URCA : agronomy, agrosystems

Since 2018 : Master students, AgroParisTech : modelling soil organic matter dynamics

2012 - 2013 : Engineering students, ENSAIA : soil fertility, plant nutrition, ecophysiology, microbiology

2011 - 2012 : Engineering students, ENSTIB : wood biodegradation

2009 - 2011 : Bachelor and Master students, UFR SciFA Metz : microbiology, molecular biology

Main publications

All publications can be found by following the links below:




Other Activities

Since 2022 : member of the scientific board of RITTMO Agroenvironnement (

Since 2021 : member of the scientific pole of Project Stics Team coordinating actions on the development of the STICS soil-crop-atmosphere model (

Since 2021 : member of the AMG consortium coordinating actions on the development of the AMG soil carbon model and associated decision support tools (