Research Engineer, Scientific calculus
Address: UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims cedex 2




09/2023 - Present : Research Engineer, INRAE Reims, UMR FARE

04/2023 - 08/2023 : Model Based Design Engineer, Alten Paris

2019 - 2023 : Assistant Professor, EBI, Cergy

2018 - 2019 : Lecturer, IUT Auch

2016 - 2018 : Professeur agrégé, Lyon

2014 - 2015 : Research and teaching assistant (ATER), INP Grenoble - ESISAR, Valence

2012 - 2014 : Postdoc, Institute of Natural Sciences, Shanghai

2010 - 2011 : Postdoc, TU Braunschweig

06/2010 - 08/2010 : Postdoc, Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna

2009 - 2010 : Postdoc, IRMAR Rennes

09/2008 - 02/2009 : Research and teaching assistant (ATER), University of Toulouse 3

2005 - 2008 : PhD Fellow - Lecturer, IMT Toulouse


2016 : Agrégation Mathématiques

2008 : PhD Applied Mathematics, University of Toulouse 3

2005 : Master 2 Research, INSA Toulouse

2005 : Engineer, Applied Mathematics, INSA Toulouse

2004 : Master 1, Mathematics, University of Toulouse 3


Numerical methods
Differential equations
Partial differential equations
Optimization and Control
Asymptotic Analysis

Research interests

Modeling of plant biomass degradation at the microscopic and field scales :
- BioMod project: Numerical calculus for the processing and analysis of confocal fluorescence microscopy images of the deconstruction of plant cell walls.
- Vsoil project: Simulation using mechanistic models of biogeochemical phenomena involved in plant degradation at the field


2019 - 2023 : 300 teaching hours per year at EBI, Cergy
2018 - 2019 : 400 teaching hours at IUT Auch
2016 - 2018 : 18 teaching hours per week, Académie de Lyon
2014 - 2015 : 198 teaching hours at INP Grenoble - ESISAR
2010 - 2011 : 30 teaching hours at TU Braunschweig
2009 - 2010 : 30 teaching hours at INSA Rennes
09/2008 - 02/2009 : 95 teaching hours at the University of Toulouse 3
2005 - 2008 : 64 teaching hours per year at  the University of Toulouse 3

Main publications

A. Faraj. (2022). « Stability Analysis of an Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Model ». IEEE - 6th International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis. Lisbonne (Portugal) DOI

M. Welderufael, R. Absi, A. Faraj. (2022). « Effect of Eddy Viscosity and Turbulent Schmidt Number on Suspended Sediment Concentration Profiles: Interest of the Fractional Advection-Diffusion Equation ». Proceedings of the 39th International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) World congress. Grenade (Espagne) DOI

N. Ben Abdallah, A. Faraj. (2017). « A double scale fast algorithm for the transient evolution of a resonant tunneling diode ». Multiscale Model Simul 15 (2): 696-722 DOI

A. Faraj, S. Jin. (2017). « The Landau-Zener transition and the surface hopping method for the 2D Dirac equation for graphene ». Commun Comput Phys 21(2): 313-357 DOI

A. Faraj, A. Mantile, F. Nier. (2011). « Adiabatic evolution of 1D shape resonances: an artificial interface conditions approach ». Math Model Meth Appl Sci 21(3): 541-618 DOI

A. Faraj, A. Mantile, F. Nier. (2010). « An explicit model for the adiabatic evolution of quantum observables driven by 1D shape resonances ». J Phys A: Math Theor 43: 474025-474053 DOI

A. Faraj. (2010). « Asymptotic analysis of a Schrödinger-Poisson system with quantum wells and macroscopic nonlinearities in dimension 1 ». Serdica Math J 36(1): 11-38 DOI

V. Bonnaillie-Noël, A. Faraj, F. Nier. (2009). « Simulation of resonant tunneling heterostructures: numerical comparison of a complete Schrödinger-Poisson system and a reduced nonlinear model ». J Comput Electron 8(1): 11-16 DOI

A. Faraj, A. Mantile, F. Nier. (2009). « Double scale analysis of a Schrödinger-Poisson system with quantum wells and macroscopic nonlinearities in dimension 2 and 3 ». Asymptotic Anal 62(3-4) 163-205 DOI

Other activities

Training correspondent of the FARE laboratory