Engineer assistant
Adress : UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims cedex 2


Since 2024 : Assistant Engineer, INRAE ​​Reims (UMR FARE)

2003 - 2024 : Research Technician, INRAE ​​Reims (UMR FARE)

2003 : Quality controller (food industry), Reims

2002 : Laboratory technician (medical analyses), Saint-Quentin


1999 - 2001 : BTSA ANABIOTECH (agricultural, biological, biotechnological analysis)


Surface deposition methods: Langmuir-Blodgett, Spin-coating, casting
Surface characterizations: spectroscopic ellipsometry, tensiometry (droplet, contact angles), surface plasmon resonance
Infrared, UV/Vis, fluorescence spectroscopy
Physico-chemical characterizations: hygroscopic, colorimetric

Research interests

Development and characterization of bioinspired plant wall assemblies based on lignocellulosic polymers, in thin layers in the form of films.

Studies of the relationships between the structures and physicochemical properties of biomass (model lignocellulosic assemblies and plant fibers) at the nanometric (chemical interactions) and micrometric molecular scales.

Design of innovative biosourced nanomaterials with interesting functional properties (optical, antioxidant, hygroscopic, etc.).

Other activities

Animator of technical plateform “materials, microscopy and physico-chemistry” activities

“Operational” data referent unit (Open Science)