
Gainvors-Claisse Angélique

Assistant Professor
Address : UMR FARE, UFR SEN, Moulin de la Housse, Bât.18, 51100 Reims, France


Assistant Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology section (1996)

Distinguished Assistant Professor (2016)


B.Sc. Biochemistry, 1990

Master's Degree in Cell Biology, 1991

Diploma of Advanced Studies in Enzymatic Engineering, Bioconversion and Microbiology, 1992

Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology, 1995


Microbiology of yeasts, fungi and bacteria, Identification and characterization of yeasts, Molecular biology (Cloning, Production of recombinant proteins), Pulsed field electrophoresis, Lignocellulose-degrading enzymes (Hydrolases, peroxidases, etc.).

Research interests

Study of the antimicrobial activity of lignocellulosic composite films

Improvement of the quality of plant fibres by enzymatic and physico-chemical treatments

Production of recombinant enzymes


120 hours of teaching (lectures, tutorials, practical work) in Biology Bachelor's Degree

25 hours of teaching (lectures, tutorials, practical work)  in professional licence « Transformation of Plant Agro-resources »

30 hours of teaching (lectures, tutorials, practical work) in Master's program

Main publications

Lashermes G., Gainvors-Claisse A., Recous S., Bertrand I. (2016). Enzymatic Strategies and Carbon Use Efficiency of a Litter-Decomposing Fungus Grown on Maize Leaves, Stems, and Roots. Frontiers in microbiology, vol,7, 1315. DOI

Alimardani-Theuil P., Gainvors-Claisse A., Duchiron F. (2011) Yeasts: An attractive source of pectinases - From gene expression to potential applications: A review. Process Biochem. vol. 46, 8, pp. 1525-1537. DOI

Belarbi A., Gainvors-Claisse A. (2006) New yeast stock of Issatchenkia occidentalis is useful for producing xylitol, ethanol, and biomass. Univ Reims Champagne Ardenne. FR2883573 (Brevet)

Belarbi A., Gainvors A., Gognies S. (1999) New polygalacturonase prepared by expressing genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in micro-organisms, used to degrade pectin, e.g. for clarifying fruit juice. Pascal Biotech. FR2774999 (Brevet)

Gognies S., Gainvors A., Aigle M., Belarbi A. (1999) Cloning, sequence analysis and overexpression of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae endopolygalacturonase-encoding gene (PGL1). Yeast , vol. 15, 1, pp. 11-22. DOI

Gainvors A. , V. Frézier, H. Lemaresquier, C. Lequart, M. Aigle, A. Belarbi (1994) Detection of polygalacturonase, pectin-lyase and pectin-esterase activities in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Yeast , vol. 10, 10, pp. 1311-1319.

PhD thesis supervisor

2012, Restino Clémence, doctoral student URCA, principal supervisor F. Duchiron, " Production of itaconic acid by Aspergilli strains by solid-state fermentation ".

Other activities

Elected member of the Department of Biology-Biochemistry of the UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles of the University of Reims Champagne Ardenne

Co-responsible for the second year of the Biology Bachelor's Degree at the UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles of the University of Reims Champagne Ardenne

Co-head of several teaching units in Microbiology and Molecular Biology