Gaudard-Schmitter François
Technician in biochemistry
Adress : UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims cedex 2
François Gaudard


1998 – today : Technician in biochemistry, INRAE REIMS (UMR FARE)

1992 - 1998 : Technician in physico-chemistry, INRA INA-PG PARIS

1991 : Technician in chemistry, municipal laboratory of CERGY

1987 - 1989: Laboratory assistant, TOMBLAINE

1987 : Chemistry assistant in prep. chromato. at SEPAREX, CHAMPIGNEULLES


1990 : CFPA in physicochemistry

1981 : Bachelor’s degree in chemistry


Plant biomass analysis : preparation of samples (drying, cutting, milling…), hydrolysis (enzymatic, acid), sugars, lignins, ashes analysis…
Polymers extraction…