Lebas Berangère
Adress: UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims cedex 2, France




Since 2020 : Assistant engineer specializing in microscopy and spectroscopy applied to lignocelluloses

2019 - 2020 : HyCGreen Project Engineer

2018 - 2019 : technician for the CRISTAL UNION group (Bazancourt sugar refinery)

2018 (March - September) : Master internship at the environmental laboratory at A.R.D (Agro-Research and Developments)

2017 (April - March) : Master internship at the environmental laboratory at A.R.D (Agro-Research and Developments)


2017 - 2018 : Master 2 DEPPAS: Design Elaboration Performances of Agro-Sourced Products, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims

2016 - 2017 : Master 1 PVAR: Production and Valorization of Agro-Resources, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims

2016 - 2012 : Bachelor BBTE BCP: Biology Biochemistry Earth and Environment Cell Biology and Physiology, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims


Confocal microscopy
Hydrolytic degradation kinetics measurements in 4D confocal microscopy (3D + time)
Fluorescence macroscopy
Fluorescence spectroscopies, infrared
Epifluorescence microscopy, apotome
Enzymatic hydrolysis
Laboratory-scale anaerobic digestion

Research interests

Development of methods for confocal microscopy with monitoring of enzymatic hydrolysis in 4D acquisitions (3D images + time)

Participation in various research projects, theses and internships

Other activities

Member of the Sustainable Development group since 09/2021
Elected member of CONUT since 01/2021 and re-elected for the period 2024-2028