Technician in Materials Characterisation
Adress : INRA, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims cedex 2


1993 - 2007 : Technician, INRA, Versailles

Since 2007 : Technician, INRAE, Reims


1990 : DUT in Chemistry


Thermal and thermomechanical characterization (DSC, ATG, DMA, Rheometer) of bio-based polymers and composites
Water sorption techniques (High data flow DVS and water sorption microbalance)
Measurement of antioxidant properties by DSC under oxygen

Research interests

They focus on studying the behaviour of agro-sourced materials (plant fibres and natural polymers, biocomposites, bioinspired assemblies) in relation to their water environment, as well as their thermomechanical, rheological and antioxidant properties.

Other activities

Prevention Assistant and Quality Correspondent for UMR FARE