Recous Sylvie
Researcher in Soil Science and Agronomy (INRAE scientific mission officer)
Adress : UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, 51100 Reims, France




Since 2024 : Mission Officer, INRAE

Since 2008 : Research Director, INRAE UMR FARE, Reims

2019 - 2023 : Vice-President, AGROTRANSFERT- Resources and Territories

2017 - 2024 : Editor-in-Chief, Agronomy for Sustainable Development (ASD) journal

2021 - 2023 : Co-director, PEPR exploratory program (France 2030) FairCarboN

2020 - Present : Full Member, French Academy of Agriculture (Section V)

2011 - 2019 : Scientific Coordinator, RMT Fertilization and Environment

1999 - 2000: Visiting Scientist, CSIRO, Plant Industry Division, Perth (Australia)

1988 - 2007: Researcher, INRA, Agronomy Unit Laon; Lab Head from 2002 to 2007


1999 - H.D.R., University Lyon I

1984 -1988- PhD in Microbial Ecology, University Lyon I

1982 - D.E.A. (MSC) in Microbial ecology of soils, University Lyon I

1974-1978 - BsC Plant biology and Ecology, University Aix-Marseille I


Research on carbon nitrogen and sulfur cycles in the soil. Factors of decomposition of organic matter, particularly plant litters. Effects of agricultural practices on the decomposition functions, and the M.I.T (gross N mineralization-immobilization turnover, nitrification), and relations with the soil microbial communities. Stable isotope tracing (13C and 15N). Modeling decomposition.
Nitrogen dynamics in cropped soils and N fertilization of crops. Participation in the development of decision support tools for N management in cropped soils.

Research interests

Scientific Officer at INRAE for activities involving scientific expertise on the biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen

Chair of the International Scientific Committee for the FairCarboN program on Carbon and Continental Ecosystems

Expert Advisor to the European Research Council (ERC)

Main publications


PhD thesis supervisor

Abderrahim Bouhenache (2022 - ongoing), University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, in collaboration with INRAE, CIRAD, and the University of Zimbabwe. 'The impact of climate changes on plant biomass production and recycling, and soil nitrogen use: a case study with maize under extreme rainfall events (CLIMAZOTE project)'."