Professor of biotechnology - Lab Deputy Director
Adress: UMR FARE, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, BP 224, 51686 Reims cedex 2, France



1998-2000           Post-doctorate, Reims Champagne Ardenne University

2000-2010           Assistant professor, Reims Champagne Ardenne University

Depuis 2010       Professor, Reims Champagne Ardenne University


1993                      Master Enzymology, Bioconversion and Microbiology, Compiègne University of  Technologies

1993-1996           PhD thesis in biochemistry and enzymology, Reims Champagne Ardenne University

2009      Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Reims Champagne Ardenne University 


Biochemistry of saccharides and plant cell walls, biocatalysis, bioproduction of biomolecules

Research interests

- Enzymatic fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass: production and characterization of new enzymes for lignocellulose fractionation; developement of enzymatic processes to fractionate lignocelluloses

- Developement of biocatalytic routes for the production of molecules of interest from lignocellulosic biomass :  alkyl glycosides, sugar esters, anti-oxidants, bioactive molecules (anti-aging, prebiotics, …)

- Microbial production of biomolecules : enzymes, pigments 


Teaching at bachelor to master degrees : white biotechnologies, biochemistry, biorefining

Since 2012 : responsable of the Master Biologie AgroSciences and of the specialty Biotechnologies Green Chemistry Biorefining (Reims champagne Ardenne University)

Since 2020: local coordinator (URCA) of the Master Erasmus mundus Bioceb - European Master in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy

Main publications

M. Ochs, M. Muzard, R. Plantier-Royon, B. Estrine, C. Rémond.  2011. Enzymatic synthesis of alkyl b-D-xylosides and oligoxylosides from xylans and from hydrothermally pretreated wheat bran. Green Chemistry. 13(9): 2380-2388.

I. Boukari, M. O'Donohue, C. Rémond, B. Chabbert. 2012. Effect of lignin content on a GH11 endoxylanase acting on glucuronoarabinoxylan-lignin nanocomposites. Carbohydrate Polymers. 89 : 423-431.

H. Rakotoarivonina, B. Hermant, N. Monthé, C. Rémond. 2012. The hemicellulolytic enzyme arsenal of Thermobacillus xylanilyticus depends on the composition of biomass used for growth. Microbial Cell Factories. 11: 159.

M. Ochs, N. Belloy, M. Dauchez, M. Muzard, R. Plantier-Royon, C. Rémond. 2013. Role of hydrophobic residues in the aglycone binding subsite of a GH39 b-xylosidase in alkyl xylosides synthesis. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 96 : 21-26.

C. Brusa, M. Ochs, C. Rémond, M. Muzard, R. Plantier-Royon. 2014. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of « click » xylosides and xylobiosides from lignocellulosic biomass. RSC Advances. 4 : 9330-9338.

H. Rakotoarivonina, B. Hermant, N. Aubry, F. Rabenoelina, F. Baillieul, C. Rémond. 2014. Dynamic study of how the bacterial breakdown of plant cell walls allows the reconstitution of efficient hemicellulasic cocktails. Bioresource Technology 170: 331–341.

H. Rakotoarivonina, B. Hermant, N. Aubry, C. Rémond. 2015. Engineering the hydrophobic residues of a GH11 xylanase impacts its adsorption onto lignin and its thermostability. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 81 : 47-55.

C. Brusa, M. Muzard, C. Rémond, R. Plantier-Royon. 2015. β-xylopyranosides: Synthesis and Applications. RCS Advances. 5: 91026 – 91055.

S. Dupoiron, ML. Lameloise, M. Pommet, O.Bennaceur, R. Lewandowski, F. Allais, A. R. S. Teixeira, C. Rémond, H. Rakotoarivonina. A novel and integrative process: From enzymatic fractionation of wheat bran with a hemicellulasic cocktail to the recovery of ferulic acid by weak anion exchange resin. 2017. Industrial Crops and Products. 105: 148-155.

K. Kansou, C. Rémond, G. Paës, E. Bonnin, J. Tayeb, B. Bredeweg. Testing scientific models using Qualitative Reasoning: Application to cellulose hydrolysis. 2017. Scientific Reports. 7: 17122. 

E. Husson, T. Auxenfans, M. Herbaut, M. Baralle, V. Lambertyn, H. Rakotoarivonina, C. Rémond, C. Sarazin. Sequential and simultaneous strategies for biorefining of wheat straw using room temperature ionic liquids, xylanases and cellulases. 2018. Bioresource Technology. 251 : 280-287.

T. Méline, M. Muzard, M. Deleu, H. Rakotoarivonina, R. Plantier-Royon, C. Rémond. D-Xylose and L-arabinose laurate esters: Enzymatic synthesis, characterization and physico-chemical properties. 2018. Enzyme Microbial Technology. 112 : 14-21.

S. Dupoiron, M.L. Lameloise, M. Bedu, R. Lewandowski, C. Fargues, F. Allais, A. Teixeira, H. Rakotoarivonina, C. Rémond. Recovering ferulic acid from wheat bran enzymatic hydrolysate by a novel and non-thermal process associating weak anion-exchange and electrodialysis. 2018. Separation and Purification Technology. 200: 75-83.

C. Brusa, N. Belloy, D. Gérard, M. Muzard, M. Dauchez, R. Plantier-Royon, C. Rémond. Exploring the aglycone subsite of a GH11 xylanase for the synthesis of xylosides by transglycosylation reactions. J. Biotechnol. 2018. 272-273 : 56-63.

M. Araya-Farias, E. Husson, J. Saavedra-Torrico, D. Gérard, R. Roulard, I. Gosselin, H. Rakotoarivonina, V. Lambertyn, C. Rémond and C. Sarazin. Wheat bran pretreatment by room temperature ionic liquid-water mixture: optimization of process conditions by PLS-Surface Response Design. Frontiers in Chemistry. 2019. 7: 585.

L. Besaury and C. Rémond. Draft genome of Saccharibacillus sp. WB 17, isolated from wheat phyllosphere. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 2020. 9 (7).

D. Gérard, T. Méline, M. Muzard, M. Deleu, R. Plantier-Royon, C. Rémond. Enzymatically-synthesized xylo-oligosaccharides laurate esters as surfactants of interest. Carbohydrate Research. 2020. 495: 108090.

C. Jocquel, M. Muzard, R. Plantier-Royon, C. Rémond. An integrated enzymatic approach to produce pentyl xylosides and glucose/xylose laurate esters from wheat bran. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2021. 9: 647422. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.647442

PhD thesis supervisor

- 2006-2010, I. Boukari

Definition of the criteria responsible for the efficiency of a xylanase for the hydrolysis of complex and insoluble lignocellulosic substrates.

- 2008-2011, Y. Zhang

Study of the structures-properties relationships of  films based on arabinoxylans isolated from agricultural co-products.

- 2008-2012, M. Ochs (collaboration ICMR, Reims)

Enzymatic synthesis of alkyl pentosides and oligopentosides

- 2011-2014, P.V. Revol

Study of the hemicellulolytic system of Thermobacillus xylanilyticus and application of its enzymes for the fractionation of plant cell walls

- 2012-2015, C. Brusa (collaboration ICMR, Reims)

Xylosides with aromatic aglycons parts and functional xylosides : enzymatic or chemo-enzymatic synthesis and biological evaluation.

- 2014-2017, S. Dupoiron-Cony

Enzymatic deconstruction of xylans from lignocellulosic biomasses and eco-friendly purification of the different fractions from hydrolysis.

- 2014-2017, T. Méline

Production of sugar esters from wheat bran. 

- 2017-2021, R. Bouchat (collaboration with Université de Liège, Belgium)

Optimization of the culture of a thermophilic bacterium into bioreactors for the production of hemicellulases and the valorization of xylans from lignocellulosic biomasses.

- 2017-2021, K. Rios Rios (collaboration with VITO, Belgium)

Production and functionalization of xylo-oligosaccharides into biologically active compounds: development of a continuous enzymatic process by combining biocatalysis and membrane technology.

- 2019-2022, M. Cassarini

Study of the microbial production of pigments during lignocellulosic biomass fractionation. 

- 2021-2024, J. D. Restrepo Leal (collaboration with chaire Maldive, RIBP, Reims)

Optimization of production and purification of effectors from Botryosphaeriacees to control their phytopathogenicity and to explore their enzymes for biorefining.

Other activities

Responsabilities :

- Depuis 2012       Head deputy of UMR FARE

- Depuis 2016       Head of the Chair AFERE-Agro-Ressources Fermentation Enzymes

Coordination of research projects :

- 2006-2009           ANR Bioenergies HemiLi project « Study and reduction of hemicellulases-lignine interactions to develop pretreatment and fractionation processes for the lignocellulosic biomass ».

4 partners : FARE Reims, UMR 792 INRA-INSAT-CNRS Toulouse, UMR 5546 UPS-CNRS-INRA Lusignan, ESBS UMR 7175 ULPS-CNRS Illkirch

- 2017-2020           INTERREG V Valbran project « Wheat bran valorization into biosurfactants ».

3 french partners: URCA, UMR GEC UPJV Amiens, Pôle IAR ; 6 belgian partners : AgroBioTech Gembloux, Vito, Valbiom, Inagro, Greenwin, Catalisti 

- 2021-2023           Carnot 3BCAR et Qualiment ColorANTH project « Optimized extraction of anthocyanes from grapevine residues and improvement of their functionality as dye and anti-oxidant » 3 partners : FARE-AFERE Reims, LBE Narbonne, SQPOV Avignon