2023-10-04 Article Julien données PT.jpg
04 October 2023 - Creation and exploration of a pretreated poplar wood dataset

04 October 2023 - Creation and exploration of a pretreated poplar wood dataset

Pretreatment of biomass is necessary to improve its enzymatic accessibility and its recovery as a source of carbon. Among the existing pretreatments, dilute acid pretreatment has great potential, but it still needs to be optimised to improve its chemical and economic performance. To this end, the comprehensive dataset presented here and the models derived from it provide an overview of the chemical evolution of wood as a function of pre-treatment conditions.

Using literature and experimental design methodology, we were able to create one of the most comprehensive datasets to date on the chemical evolution of poplar wood polysaccharides and their degradation products during dilute acid pre-treatment.

A set of 38 conditions was generated within the following parameter ranges: 2-60 min, 120-190°C, 0-4% H2SO4. Solid wood residues and pretreatment liquids, recovered separately, were analysed for no less than 12 compounds: sugars, inhibitors and lignin.

This unique data set was explored using models to track the evolution of each chemical species. A more original and in-depth analysis was carried out by combining the models using desirability functions, which enabled us to propose trade-offs between the evolution of the different compounds depending on the production objectives targeted.

Particular attention has been paid to the sampling and description of the method so that all the data and models, which are fully available, can be easily shared and reused.

This work was made in the PhD thesis of Julien du Pasquier funded by Grand Reims and the Chaire de Biotechnologie de CentraleSupélec.

Contact: Dr Gabriel Paës, gabriel.paes@inrae.fr

Read: du Pasquier, J, Perré P, Paës G. Construction and exploration of a dilute acid pretreatment dataset on poplar wood to propose trade-offs of chemicals evolution. Bioresource Technology Reports. 2023, 24, 101636. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biteb.2023.101636.