06 July 2020 - Influence of the matrix polarity on the breakage of fibers in a composite

06 July 2020 - Influence of the matrix polarity on the breakage of fibers in a composite

Thermoplastic matrix composites reinforced with lignocellulosic fibers (flax, hemp, etc.) are developing due to the renewable nature of these fibers and their low density, which makes it possible to obtain materials that are both light and resistant, but it is necessary to understand the influence of these fibers on mechanical properties.

Models describing fiber breakage during the melt mixing process were established by FARE and applied to predict fiber size changes when compounding composites by extrusion. In the present study, the influence of the matrix was characterized by comparing the results obtained with non-polar polypropylene (PP) and polar poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), of similar viscosity. For flax and hemp fibers, changes in morphology (in length and diameter) were characterized for various processing conditions.

Whatever the conditions, the breakage of the fibers is greater with the PBS matrix. In addition, the rheological behaviour of composites is also very different, indicating specific interactions between fibers and matrices. To study these interactions, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to measure the adhesion between the different matrices using an AFM beam functionalized with nanocrystalline cellulose. The measured adhesion values confirm a better interaction between the nanocrystalline cellulose and the PBS matrix compared to PP. These original results show for the first time the influence of the polarity of the polymer on the lignocellulosic fiber breakage mechanisms.

This work results from a collaboration between FARE, the University of Bordeaux and MINES ParisTech.

Contact: Pr Françoise Berzin, francoise.berzin@univ-reims.fr

Read: Berzin F, Lemkhanter L, Marcuello-Angles C, Chabbert B, Aguié V, Molinari M, Castellani R, Vergnes B*. Influence of the polarity of the matrix on the breakage mechanisms of lignocellulosic fibers in twin screw extrusion. Polymer Composites 2020, 41, 1106-1117, 2020 DOI

Modification date : 06 June 2023 | Publication date : 06 July 2020 | Redactor : F. Berzin / G. Paës