
06 October 2015 - FARE welcomes the VSoil (Virtual Soil) platform

06 October 2015 - FARE welcomes the VSoil (Virtual Soil) platform

A modelling workshop on the organic matter transformations with the VSoil platform took place in FARE in October 1-2, 2015

The modelling platform VSoil (http://www6.inra.fr/vsoil) makes it possible to use and create simulation models coupling the physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in a soil profile and at the interface between the soil and the plants. A workshop gathering 25 persons from all around France was organized by Gwenaëlle Lashermes (FARE) and François Lafolie from the EMMAH lab in Avignon with the aims to facilitate platform handling and contribution to its expansion with models simulating organic matter transformations. Four presentations were given on the functioning and innovations of the platform by the developer team, François Lafolie, Nicolas Moitrier, Cédric Nouguier, and Nicolas Beudez and six talks with experience feedbacks. The workshop participants worked also themselves with the platform using with several organic matter models such as CANTIS, TAO, STICS-residues, COP-Compost.

Contact: Dr Gwenaëlle Lashermes, gwenaelle.lashermes@reims.inra.fr

Modification date : 06 June 2023 | Publication date : 06 October 2015 | Redactor : G. Lashermes