07 January 2019 - FARE coordinates a book on biodiversity in agroecosystems

07 January 2019 - FARE coordinates a book on biodiversity in agroecosystems

Entitled "Agrosystem diversity: reconciling contemporary agriculture and environmental quality", this book was written under the direction of G. Lemaire (INRA), P. C. de Faccio Carvalho (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), S. Kronberg (USDA, USA) and S. Recous INRA, senior researcher in FARE.

This book gathers 28 chapters from about a hundred authors. It discusses the value of diversification at different scales (plot, farm, landscape, region) to maintain sustainable agriculture and reduce its environmental impacts, particularly through the effective coupling of biogeochemical cycles. This reflection is based on the hypothesis that the harmful effects of modern agriculture are linked to a too high degree of homogenization, simplification of cropping systems, and regional specialization on a global scale. Through the various chapters, the book offers a rather broad vision of possible agronomic solutions adapted to local contexts. 

Published by Academic Press, Elsevier, this 464-page book is already available (ISBN : 978-0-12-8111050-8).

Contact: Dr Sylvie Recous, sylvie.recous@inra.fr

Read: https://www.elsevier.com/books/agroecosystem-diversity/lemaire/978-0-12-811050-8