11 April 2022 - Launch of the PEPR programme FairCarboN

11 April 2022 - Launch of the PEPR programme FairCarboN

The exploratory Priority Research Equipment Programme (PEPR) FairCarboN - Carbon in Continental Ecosystems: Levers and Pathways to Carbon Neutrality will increase the contribution of continental ecosystems to climate change mitigation and carbon neutrality.

With a budget of 40 million euros over 6 years (2022-2028), funded under the fourth Programme d'investissements d'avenir - PIA 4, the programme is led by INRAE and CNRS and is open to the entire French research community.

Sylvie Recous from UMR FARE and Pierre Barré from ENS (CNRS) are the co-directors. 

Launched on 11 April 2022 during a webinar attended by nearly 400 people, it is now starting with a call for projects worth €11 million operated by the French national research agency.

To read: FairCarboN, an exploratory Priority Research Programme and Infrastructure (PEPR) with sights set on carbon neutrality

Programme website: https://faircarbon.wordpress.com

Webinar replay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rA-IdSj2qk

Contact : Dr Sylvie Recous, sylvie.recous@inrae.fr

Modification date: 06 June 2023 | Publication date: 15 April 2022 | By: S. Recous / G. Paës