13 September 2022 - FARE participates to the 3rd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference

13 September 2022 - FARE participates to the 3rd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference

The 3rd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference (IPSC2022) was held in Nantes, France, from 12th to 15th of September. This event is part of the biennial conference series, organized jointly with the International Society for Plant Spectroscopy (ISPS) and the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE).

The topics of IPSC include FTIR (micro)spectroscopy, Raman (micro)spectroscopy, autofluorescence spectroscopy and imaging, mass spectrometry and imaging, NMR spectroscopy and imaging and related chemometric approaches.

Several young researches from our lab presented their work:

Raphaël COSTE, post-doc researcher, gave a talk on: Raman microspectroscopy and AFM-IR as tools to characterize the physicochemical properties of plant cell walls at the nanoscale

Edwige AUDIBERT, PhD student, presented a poster entitled: Automated characterization of lignocellulosic biomass through fluorescence macroscopy

Julien DU PASQUIER, PhD student, also presented a poster on: FTIR and autofluorescence spectroscopy to understand and predict properties of dilute acid pretreated poplar

This was a great moment to share their results and extend their network with the best groups in the topic of plant spectroscopy and microscopy!