15 October 2018 - FARE highlights in the annual report of CEPIA division at INRA

15 October 2018 - FARE highlights in the annual report of CEPIA division at INRA

Annual report of CEPIA division at INRA selects each year some highlights from its labs' best results.

In the "Research and Innovation" 2018 report, two highlights from FARE results avec been selected:

- some fluorescence methods to understand and predict the transformation of lignocellulose, led by FARE ;

- some conceptual models to test scientific theories and their application to the understanding of the enzymatic degradation of lignocellulose, lead by BIA lab in collaboration with FARE.

Read: Research and Innovation report from CEPIA at INRA (in English)

Contact: Dr Gabriel Paës, gabriel.paes@inra.fr

Modification date : 06 June 2023 | Publication date : 15 October 2018 | Redactor : G. Paës