Parameters to assay probe accessibility
16 January 2017 - Fluorescent probes to explore accessibility of plant cell walls

16 January 2017 - Fluorescent probes to explore accessibility of plant cell walls

Chemical and structural complexity of plant cell wall prevents enzymes from easily accessing biopolymers to be hydrolysed.

Thanks to the use of the FRAP technique in fluorescent confocal microscopy, we are now able to evaluate the accessibility of fluorescent probes inside plant cell wall samples, by varying parameters related to the cell walls (pretreatment, localization) and to the probes (size). We have demonstrated how pretreatments hydrolysing hemicellulose favoured a better accessibility to the probes. On the contrary, lignin removal was detrimental to accessibility. This new approach gives the framework to predict saccharification based on enzyme accessibility.

Read: Paës G, Habrant A, Ossemond J, Chabbert B. Exploring accessibility of pretreated poplar cell walls by measuring dynamics of fluorescent probes. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2017, 10, 15 DOI

Contacts: Dr Gabriel Paës,
               Dr Brigitte Chabbert,

Modification date: 06 June 2023 | Publication date: 16 January 2017 | By: G. Paës