17 April 2019 - Fungal secretomes to tackle biomass recalcitrance

17 April 2019 - Fungal secretomes to tackle biomass recalcitrance

In the frame of the Funlock project funded by ANR, researchers from several French labs (INRA, CNRS, IFPEN) gathered to study how fungal secretomes could help in degrading recalcitrant lignocellulosic biomass.

Lignocellulosic biomass is naturally recalcitrant to enzymatic hydrolysis. Goal of this project was to characterize lignocellulosic biomass samples from poplar, wheat straw and miscanthus, after their pretreatment by steam explosion and after successive hydrolysis by fungal secretomes, in order to highlight possible markers correlated to hydrolysis. Overall, glucose yield after the two sequential hydrolyses was more dependent on the biomass source than on the fungal secretomes enzymatic profile. Correlation analysis of several physicochemical parameters showed that released glucose yield was negatively correlated with lignin content and cellulose crystallinity while positively correlated with xylose content and water sorption. Water sorption appears as a pivotal marker of the recalcitrance as it reflects chemical and structural properties of lignocellulosic biomass. Conclusions of this report are that fungal secretomes applied to highly recalcitrant biomass samples can further extend the release of the remaining glucose and glucose yield can be correlated to chemical and physical markers, which appear to be independent from the biomass type and secretome.

Read: Paës G*, Navarro D, Benoit Y, Blanquet S, Chabbert B, Chaussepied B, Coutinho PM, Durand S, Grigoriev IV, Haon M, Heux L, Launay C, Margeot A, Nishiyama Y, Raouche S, Rosso M-N, Bonnin E, Berrin J-G*. Tracking of enzymatic biomass deconstruction by fungal secretomes highlights markers of lignocellulose recalcitrance. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2019, 12, 76. DOI

Contact: Dr Gabriel Paës, gabriel.paes@inra.fr

Modification date: 06 June 2023 | Publication date: 12 April 2019 | By: G. Paës