Interactions protein-carbohydrate

19 July 2017 - Measurement of the interactions between proteins and carbohydrates

19 July 2017 - Measurement of the interactions between proteins and carbohydrates

The interactions of proteins involved in plant cell wall hydrolysis, such as enzymes and CBMs, significantly determine their role and efficiency, but these interactions are most of the time measured with simple substrates non-representative of the cell wall complexity.

We have designed model assemblies that contain some of the polymers and chemical motifs found in secondary plant cell walls of grasses. They are based on a hemicellulose network whose polymers (feruloylated arabinoxylans) are cross-linked through ferulic acid moieties to make gels under the action of a peroxidase. This network can be complexified for example by adding cellulose nano-crystals. Diffusion of a fluorophore-labelled macromolecule such as a protein can be measured in these assemblies by using the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) technique. Interactions can then be calculated in different assemblies with varied polymer concentrations, so that statistical analysis leads to the determination of the relative influence of parameters related to the protein and to the assembly on interactions.

To read: Paës G. Bioinspired assemblies of plant cell walls for measuring protein-carbohydrate interactions by FRAP in Methods in Molecular Biology - Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions: Methods and Protocols 2017, vol. 1588, pp. 169-179

Contact: Dr Gabriel Paës,

Modification date : 06 June 2023 | Publication date : 18 July 2017 | Redactor : G. Paës