20 August 2018 - A new experimental design to track dew retting of fiber crops

20 August 2018 - A new experimental design to track dew retting of fiber crops

Designing new experimental system allows dew retting of fiber crops under controlled temperature and rain regime.

The use of plant fibers as hemp is increasing in natural fiber composites. However fiber quality is still a critical issue for industrial uses and one major challenge concerns the retting process achieved in the field in Europe (dew-retting). To deeper understand this natural and weather-dependent process, we have designed a new experimental set-up to perform dew-retting under controlled temperature and rain regimes. Multimodal investigation of the stem combining SEM observations, infrared analysis, colorimetry, change in enzymatic activities and polysaccharide indicated the dynamics of microbial colonization and the progress of retting Effective retting of the hemp was thus visualized  by fiber bundle decohesion. The experimental design will allow to quantify the induced effects of changes in environmental and biomass quality on the duration and the dynamics of retting, and to improve of retting management options for high quality fibers.

Read: Bleuze L, Lashermes G, Alavoine G, Recous S, Chabbert B. Tracking the dynamics of hemp dew retting under controlled environmental conditions. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018, 123, 55-63

Contact: Dr Brigitte Chabbert, brigitte.chabbert@inra.fr