22 February 2023 - Visit of the Research Institute Director at Universidad Técnica de Manabí

22 February 2023 - Visit of the Research Institute Director at Universidad Técnica de Manabí

UMR FARE welcomed Alex Alberto Dueñas Rivadeneira, Director of the Research Institute of the Universidad Técnica de Manabí in Ecuador, who was on a mission in France to develop international collaborations.

Members of FARE, together with a representative of the DREDI (Department of External Relations and International Development from URCA), discussed with Dr Dueñas the research carried out in his university and in our lab on the valorisation and transformation of plant biomass during presentations followed by a visit of our laboratories. Fruitful exchanges on shared research topics of international importance.

A work involving FARE, in collaboration with the TBI (Toulouse Biotechnology Institute) and the UTM (Universidad Técnica de Manabí) was recently published in the frame of the CAMBIOSCOP project and addressed via a modelling approach the issue of the trade-off between carbon storage in soils and the use of crop residues for the bioeconomy at the scale of the French territory.

Read: Andrade Díaz C, Clivot H, Albers A, Zamora-Ledezma E, Hamelin L. (2023). The crop residue conundrum: Maintaining long-term soil organic carbon stocks while reinforcing the bioeconomy, compatible endeavors? Applied Energy, 329, 120192. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.120192 ; https://hal.univ-reims.fr/hal-03854732

Contact: Dr Hugues Clivot, hugues.clivot@univ-reims.fr