Fibres inside a composite
23 January 2017 - FARE supervises the publication of a book on composites

23 January 2017 - FARE supervises the publication of a book on composites

Called "Polymer composites and lignocellulosic fibers. Properties, transformation, characterization", this book has been edited by Françoise Berzin.

Composite polymers based on lignocellulosic fibers have attracted considerable interest in the recent years. The main objective of these materials is to replace conventional reinforcing fibers (glass, carbon) with fibers of natural origin (flax, hemp, sisal, etc.). Indeed, these fibers have many advantages: biosourced origin, low cost, low density and availability (see for example the video dedicated to the biomaterials in FARE lab).

However, the production of composites based on lignocellulosic fibers still poses numerous problems: variability of the intrinsic properties of natural fibers, compatibility of hydrophilic fiber / hydrophobic matrix and thermomechanical degradation of the fibers during the processing steps. Solving these problems requires a multidisciplinary approach, ranging from biology to mechanics, to materials science and processing.

This is precisely the purpose of this book, which is the result of the collaboration of many academics, recognized specialists in the subject. The main chapters deal with the production and properties of lignocellulosic fibers, functionalization treatments, breakage mechanisms and flow properties of these composites, and processing steps (extrusion, injection, etc.), mechanical properties and, ultimately, life-cycle analysis and end-of-life management.

Published by Hermès Lavoisier, this book will be available in February 2017.

Contact: Françoise Berzin,