25 January 2018 - Combining ionic liquids and enzymes for the fractionation of wheat bran

25 January 2018 - Combining ionic liquids and enzymes for the fractionation of wheat bran

The pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass with ionic liquids is generally conducted in a first step before enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicelluloses.

The objective of this study was to compare the fractionation of wheat straw with a sequential approach (action of ionic liquid, then action of a GH10 or GH11 xylanase, then action of a cellulosic cocktail) and with a simultaneous approach (combined action of ionic liquid, xylanase and cellulosic cocktail). This collaborative work involving FARE and the GEC laboratory from UPJV (Amiens) was initiated by the support of the SFR Condorcet. In our study dedicated to the enzymatic fractionation of wheat straw, different ionic liquids as well as various enzymes were tested. The results indicated that one of the tested sequential approach for the hydrolysis of cellulose and xylans from wheat straw conducted to a high recovery of xylose (97.6%) and glucose (> 99%) from straw.

Read: Husson E, Auxenfans T, Herbaut M, Baralle M, Lambertyn V, Rakotoarivonina H, Rémond C, Sarazin C. Sequential and simultaneous strategies for biorefining of wheat straw using room temperature ionic liquids, xylanases and cellulases. Bioresource Technology 2018, 251, 280-287. DOI

Contacts : Pr Caroline Rémond (FARE), caroline.remond@univ-reims.fr
                  Pr Catherine Sarazin (GEC), catherine.sarazin@u-picardie.fr

Modification date : 06 June 2023 | Publication date : 25 January 2018 | Redactor : C. Rémond / G. Paës