FARE takes part in the ISADAE conference organizing committee

FARE takes part in the ISADAE conference organizing committee

FARE takes part in the organizing committee of ISADAE conference: International Conference on the Impacts of Soil Amendments on Dryland Agro-Ecosystems, to be held in Reims from October 28 to 30, 2024

The ISADAE 2024 conference aims to bring together scientists and researchers in soil sciences, agronomy and environmental sciences applied to drylands. The conference will provide an opportunity to discuss the latest researches and developments in soil management practices and their impacts on dryland agro-ecosystems. It also aims to foster international cooperation in the development of strategies and projects for sustainable soil management in these agro-ecosystems.

All the information and details about the conference here: https://isadae2024.sciencesconf.org/

Deadline for abstract submission: July 15, 2024

Contact : Hugues Clivot - hugues.clivot@inrae.fr