2024-06 Participation RRB.jpg
Two FARE doctoral students take part in the RRB conference in Brussels

Two FARE doctoral students take part in the RRB conference in Brussels

The 20th edition of the International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries took place in Brussels, Belgium from 5th June until 7th June 2024.

Edwige Audibert, in the 3rd year of her CIFRE PhD thesis with the company Européenne de Biomasse, presented a poster entitled: "Particle boards from steam exploded wood fibres: Impact of thermal treatment on mechanical and hygroscopic properties".

Her colleague Thomas Peyrache, also in the final year of his PhD thesis, gave an oral presentation entitled: "Enzymatic and sonochemical processing to tailor the surface and functional properties of flax fibres". Thanks to the quality of his presentation, he won the 3rd PhD Talks prize awarded by the Royal Society of Chemistry: congratulations to him!

Link to the RRB 2024: https://rrbconference.com/