17th november 2021 - Discovery of a new xylanase in the mangrove of New Caledonia

17th november 2021 - Discovery of a new xylanase in the mangrove of New Caledonia

A new xylanase, among many others, was discovered and expressed in order to be characterized.

This new enzyme, named Xyn11-29, has an optimal activity at a temperature of 40-50°C at a pH of 5.5. Xyn11-29 is stable for 48h at 35°C and resists high saline conditions. This new xylanase presents a highly efficient hydrolysis capacity on wheat bran showing its interest for an industrial use.

This work was carried out within the framework of an EC2CO project led by the "Fungal Biodiversity and Biotechnology" laboratory of the University of Aix-Marseille.  

Lire : Ivaldi C., Daou M., Vallon L., Bisotto A., Haon M., Garajova S., Bertrand E., Faulds CB., Sciara G, Jacotot A, Marchand C., Hugoni M., Rakotoarivonina H., Rosso MN., Rémond C., Luis P., Record E. Screening new xylanase biocatalysts from the mangrove soil diversity. Microorganisms. 2021, 9, 1484.

Contact : Corinne Ivaldi, corinne.ivaldi@univ-reims.fr ; Caroline Rémond, caroline.remond@univ-reims.fr ; Harivony Rakotoarivonina, harivony.rakotoarivonina@univ-reims.fr

Modification date: 06 June 2023 | Publication date: 17 November 2021 | By: C. Ivaldi