Research scientist INRAE - Lab Deputy Director
Address : FARE lab, INRAE, URCA, 2 esplanade Roland-Garros, 51100 Reims, France


2010- Research scientist at INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), UMR INRA-URCA FARE, Reims, France

2006-2010: PhD student at ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) -INRA, UMR INRA-AgroParisTech, Thiverval –Grignon, France

2005-2006: Research engineer at ADEME-INRA, UMR INRA-AgroParisTech EGC, Thiverval –Grignon, France

2005: Master student, UR INRA of Agronomy, Laon-Reims-Mons, and UMR INRA-AgroParisTech EGC, Thiverval –Grignon, France

2004: Undergraduate student, Agro Sans Frontière, Rennes, field in Senegal

2003: Undergraduate student, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, SUNY, Stony Brook, USA, field in Costa Rica


2010: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in environmental sciences, Doctoral School ABIES of AgroParisTech

2005: Master of Engineering in Agronomy, National Higher Agronomic School of Rennes (ENSAR), France

2003-2004: Optional undergraduate training period abroad


Processes: biological transformations of organic matters (soils, mulch, composting, retting). Interactions between lignocellulosic substrates and microorganisms. Interactions between organic pollutants and organic matter. C storage, organic matter mineralization.

Modeling: EEZY, GDM, CANTIS, COP-Compost, “residue” module of STICS, RothC, “RETTING” module, etc.

Experiment: enzyme assays, experimental devices, microcosms, respirometry, biochemical analyses (residues, organic wastes), organic pollutant speciation, isotopic labeling (14C), fungal growth.

Statistics: indicator and typology calibration of degradation behavior

Research interests

My research activities concern the modeling of the biodegradation processes of plant biomasses (crop residues, roots, forest litter) in soils or at their surface. Their aim is to improve our understanding of the interactions between microorganisms and their decomposing substrates and the representation of these interactions in numerical models. I am particularly interested in the microbial physiological and enzymatic responses in function of the chemical and physical traits of organic substrates. Timescales vary between days and years and spatial scale are fine (µm3 to cm3).  The issues are to better understand decomposition process in order to be able to better integrate nutrients recycling in agroecosystems management and better predict organic matter stabilization and C storage in soils.

See also Sylvie Recous, Hugues Clivot, Guillaume Humbert scientists in the same lab for further information about our activities.


Since 2015- Agronomy module (Master of agro-resource production and sustainable development, URCA): Introduction to agronomy and agronomic models, Effects of crop system on their environment.

Since 2015- Module of Soil and Environment (Master of Sciences, Technologies, Health, URCA): Soil organic matter and C, N, P, S biogeochemical cycles, decomposition process.

2012-2013-Module of soil organic matter and waste management (Master of continental biosphere and soils, AgroParisTech, UPMC, Doctoral School ABIES): Coupling of biogeochemical cycles of C, N, P, S in soils.

2009- Ecosystems of food and water module (Master of applied microbiology and biological engineering, AgroParisTech): Technologies and microbiology of composts.

2008-2009- Bio-depollution module (Engineering in agronomy, 2nd year, AgroParisTech): Fate of pollutants during composting and in soils.


Sicard, J., Barbe, S., Boutrou, R., Bouvier, L., Delaplace, G., Lashermes, G., Théron, L., Vitrac, O., Tonda, A. Predictive techniques for transformation processes in the bioeconomy. Journal of Food Process Engineering, e14325. (Open Access)  DOI

Derrien, D., Barré, P., Basile-Doelsch, I., Cécillon, L., Chabbi, A., Crème, A., Fontaine, S., Henneron, L., Janot, N., Lashermes, G., Quenea, K., Rees, F., Dignac, M.-F. Current controversies on mechanisms controlling carbon storage in soils; implications for practitioners and policy-makers. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43, 21. (Open Access)  DOI

Fanin, N., Mooshammer, M., Sauvadet, M., Meng, C., Alvarez, G., Bernard, L., Bertrand, I., Blagodatskayah, E., Bon, L., Fontaine, S., Niu, S., Lashermes, G., Maxwell, T.L., Weintraub, M., Wingate, L., Moorhead, D., Nottingham, A., 2022. Soil enzymes in response to climate warming: mechanisms and feedbacks. Functional Ecology, 36, 1378– 1395. (Open Access)  DOI

Janz, B., Havermann, F., Lashermes, G., Zuazo, P., Engelsberger, F., Torabi, S.M., Butterbach-Bahl, K. (2022). Effects of crop residue incorporation and properties on combined soil gaseous N2O, NO, and NH3 emissions—A laboratory-based measurement approach, Science of The Total Environment, 151051. (Open Access)  DOI

Lashermes, G.*, Recous, S., Alavoine, G., Janz, B., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Ernfors, M., Laville, P. (2022) N2O emissions from decomposing crop residues are strongly linked to their initial soluble fraction and early C mineralization. Science of The Total Environment, 150883. DOI dataset: Data Inrae, FARE Web.

Levavasseur, F., Lashermes, G., Mary, B., Morvan, T., Nicolardot, B., Parnaudeau, V., Thuriès, L., & Houot, S. (2021). Quantifying and simulating carbon and nitrogen mineralization from diverse exogenous organic matters. Soil Use and Management, 00, 1– 15. DOI

Lashermes, G.*, Bleuze, L., Recous, S., Voinot, R., Lafolie, F., Chabbert, B. (2020) Multiscale modeling of microbial degradation of outer tissues of fiber-crop stems during the dew retting process. Bioresource Technology 311, 123558. DOIFARE Web

Bleuze, L., Chabbert, B., Lashermes, G, Recous, S. (2020) Hemp harvest time impacts on the dynamics of microbial colonization and hemp stems degradation during dew retting. Industrial Crops and Products, 145, 112122. DOI. FARE Web

Margida M.G., Lashermes G., Moorhead D.L. (2020). Estimating relative cellulolytic and ligninolytic enzyme activities as functions of lignin and cellulose content in decomposing plant litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 141, 107689. DOI. FARE Web

Recous S., Lashermes G., Bertrand I., Duru M., Pellerin S. (2019). C-N-P decoupling processes linked to arable cropping management systems in relation with intensification of production.  In: Agro-ecosystem Diversity: Reconciling Contemporary Agriculture and Environment Quality, Gilles Lemaire, Paulo Carvalho, Scott Kronberg & Sylvie Recous eds., Elsevier. Chapitre 3, pp 35-53. DOI. FARE Web

Bleuze, L., Lashermes, G., Alavoine, G., Recous, S., Chabbert, B. (2018). Tracking the dynamics of hemp dew retting under controlled environmental conditions. Industrial Crops and Products 123, 55-63. DOI. FARE Web

Sauvadet, M., Lashermes, G., Alavoine, G., Recous, S., Chauvat, M., Maron, PA., Bertrand, I. (2018). High carbon use efficiency and low priming effect promote soil C stabilization under reduced tillage. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 64–73. DOI. FARE Web

Dignac, M.-F., Derrien, D., Barre, P., Barot, S., Cécillon, L., Chenu, C., Chevallier, T., Freschet, G., Garnier, P., Guenet, B., Hedde, M., Klumpp, K., Lashermes, G., Maron, P.-A., Nunan, N., Roumet, C., Basile-Doelsch, I. (2017). Increasing soil carbon storage: mechanisms, effects of agricultural practices and proxies. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 37:14 (2). (Open Access) DOI . FARE Web

Lashermes, G*, Gainvors-Claisse, A, Recous, S. and Bertrand, I. (2016). Enzymatic Strategies and Carbon Use Efficiency of a Litter-Decomposing Fungus Grown on Maize Leaves, Stems, and Roots. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:1315. (Open Access)  DOI 

Lashermes, G*, Moorhead D.L.*, Recous, S., Bertrand, I. (2014) Interacting Microbe and Litter Quality Controls on Litter Decomposition: A Modeling Analysis. Plos One, 9 (9). *co-first authors. (Open Access)  DOI

Iqbal, A., Garnier, P., Lashermes, G., Recous, S. (2014) A new equation to simulate the contact between soil and maize residues of different sizes during their decomposition. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50, 645-655. (Open Access)  DOI 

Geng, C., Haudin, C.-S., Zhang, Y., Lashermes, G., Houot, S., Garnier, P. (2015) Modeling the release of organic contaminants during compost decomposition in soil. Chemosphere, 119, 423-431. DOI

Zhang, Y., Lashermes, G., Houot, S., Zhu, Y., Barriuso, E., Garnier, P. (2014) COP-compost: a software to study the degradation of organic pollutants in composts. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (4), 2761-2776. DOI

Moorhead, D.L., Lashermes, G., Sinsabaugh R.L., Weintraub, M.N., 2013. Calculating co-metabolic costs of lignin decay and their impacts on carbon use efficiency. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 66, 17-19. DOI

Haudin, C.S., Zhang, Y., Dumény V., Lashermes, G., Bergheaud, V., Barriuso, E., Houot, S., 2013. Fate of 14C-organic pollutant residues in composted sludge after application to soil. Chemosphere, 92, 1280-1285. DOI

Lashermes, G., Zhang, Y., Houot, S., Steyer, J.P., Patureau, D., Barriuso, E., Garnier, P. 2013. Simulation of organic matter and pollutant evolution during composting: the COP-Compost model. Journal of Environmental Quality, 42, 1-12 (Open Access). DOI

Moorhead, D.L., Lashermes, G., Sinsabaugh, R.L., 2012. A theoretical model of C- and N-acquiring exoenzyme activities, which balances microbial demands during decomposition. Soil Biology &Biochemistry, 53, 133-141. DOI

Zhang, Y., Lashermes, G., Houot, S., Doublet, J., Steyer, J.P., Zhu, Y.G., Barriuso, E., Garnier, P., 2012. Modelling of organic matter dynamic during the composting process. Waste Management, 32, 19-30. DOI

Lashermes, G., Barriuso, E., Le Villio-Poitrenaud, M., Houot, S. 2012. Composting in small laboratory pilots: performance and reproducibility. Waste Management, 32, 271-277. DOI

Lashermes G., Houot S., Barriuso E., 2012. Dissipation pathways of organic pollutants during the composting of organic waste. Chemosphere, 87, 137-143. DOI

Lashermes G., Houot S., Barriuso E., 2010. Sorption and mineralization of organic pollutants during different stages of composting. Chemosphere, 79, 455-462. DOI

Lashermes G., Nicolardot B., Parnaudeau V., Thuriès L., Chaussod R., Guillotin M.L., Linères M., Mary B., Metzger L., Morvan T., Tricaud A., Villette C., Houot S., 2010. Typology of exogenous organic matters based on chemical and biochemical composition to predict potential nitrogen mineralization. Bioresource Technology, 101, 157-164. DOI

Lashermes G., Nicolardot B., Parnaudeau V., Thuriès L., Chaussod R., Guillotin M.L., Linères M., Mary B., Metzger L., Morvan T., Tricaud A., Villette C., Houot S., 2009. Indicator of potential residual carbon in soils after exogenous organic matter application. European Journal of Soil Science, 60, 297-310. DOI

Vulgarization article

Lashermes, G., Recous, S., Alavoine, G., 2022. A delicate balance: Should we return green crop residues to the soil? Research Outreach! Issue 128, 48-52. Website

Graduate students co-directed

A. Iqbal (2010-2013). Effects of nature and decomposition of crops residue mulches on the services provided by soils in conservation agriculture. University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne.

L. Bleuze (2015-2018). Study and modeling of the retting process of fibrous plant. Université de Reims-Champagne Ardenne. Awards of Académie d'Agriculture Dufrenoy silver medal (FARE Web).

V. Chandra (2018-2021). Gaseous nitrogen emissions from decomposing crop residues: experimental and modelling approaches. Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Sorbonne Universités. FARE and ECOSYS labs.

A. Bouhenache (2022-in progress). Impact of climate change on production and recycling of crop biomass and soil nitrogen use: a case study with maize under extreme rainfall events. University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. FARE and Aïda CIRAD Labs.

Apprenticeship supervisor

C. Jacqueton (2018-2021). Collect and valorization ‘Open Science’ of data on plant litters decomposition in soils. Engineer in Apprenticeship from ISARA.