
06 June 2023

By: S. Abdellaoui / G. Paës

18 November 2019 - FARE participated to the second LignoCOST network meeting in Portugal

The meeting of the LignoCOST network was held in Peso de Régua in November 12-14.

06 June 2023

By: G. Lashermes / L. Besaury / G. Paës

15 November 2019 - FARE participated to the IXth AFEM meeting in Büssang

The IXth congress of the Francophone Association of Microbial Ecology (AFEM) brought together microbiologists working in a wide range of environments and of organisms! This year, it was held in Büssang, in the Vosges Mountain in France, from November 5-8: an opportunity for FARE scientists to exchange ideas, results and tools with this community.

06 June 2023

By: S. Recous / B. Chabbert / G. Lashermes / G. Paës

26 September 2019 - The Académie d'Agriculture awards the Dufrenoy silver medal to Laurent Bleuze

During a solemn session, the Académie d'Agriculture de France presented its prizes and medals. Laurent Bleuze received the Dufrenoy silver medal for his doctoral thesis from Reims University and carried out at FARE laboratory.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

09 September 2019 - Fluorescence lifetime to characterize lignocellulose

Characterization of lignocellulose can be performed with numerous physico-chemical and spectral methods.Fluorescence lifetime measurement is a method recently applied that completes those already in use.

06 June 2023

By: Y. Refahi / G. Paës

22 July 2019 - FARE participated to XVth Cell Wall Meeting

Cell Wall Meeting which took place at Cambridge, United Kingdom is one of the largest meetings dedicated to the synthesis and transformation of plant cell walls.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

15 July 2019 - FARE in the Research and Innovation report of INRA CEPIA division

Edition 2019 of the Research and Innovation report of INRA CEPIA division has just been released!

06 June 2023

By: B. Chabbert / G. Paës

10 July 2019 - FARE at ICNF congress in Porto

The 4th edition of the International Congress on Natural Fibres took place in Porto (Portugal) from May 19 to 22. This major congress in the field of plant fibres was an opportunity to present FARE work.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës / Y. Refahi

06 May 2019 - PhD position in Computer Science at FARE lab

A PhD project dedicated to Multi-scale Modelling of Lignocellulosic Biomass Deconstruction is available through a collaboration between INRA and INRIA.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

17 April 2019 - Fungal secretomes to tackle biomass recalcitrance

In the frame of the Funlock project funded by ANR, researchers from several French labs (INRA, CNRS, IFPEN) gathered to study how fungal secretomes could help in degrading recalcitrant lignocellulosic biomass.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

12 avril 2019 - FARE was at the ACS Meeting in Orlando

The American Chemical Society organises twice a year an international meeting on all topics related to chemistry. The spring meeting happened last week in Orlando, Florida.

06 June 2023

By: S. Recous / G. Paës

26 March 2019 - FARE participates in the working seminar of the ResidueGas project

This project deals with improving estimation and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions and soil carbon storage from crop residues.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

06 February 2019 - Lignin at the nanoscale: impact on recalcitrance

Lignin is a major component of lignocellulose which makes the plant cell walls and is considered as a relevant feedstock for making biofuels, chemicals and renewable materials. But lignin limits the activity of enzymes by making some pore entanglements thus limiting access to polysaccharides and by interacting non-productively with them.

06 June 2023

By: L. Bleuze / G. Paës

24 January 2019 - Laurent Bleuze's PhD Thesis defense

After 3 years of doctoral work, the retting of hemp no longer holds any secrets for Laurent!

06 June 2023

By: S. Recous / G. Paës

07 January 2019 - FARE coordinates a book on biodiversity in agroecosystems

Entitled "Agrosystem diversity: reconciling contemporary agriculture and environmental quality", this book was written under the direction of G. Lemaire (INRA), P. C. de Faccio Carvalho (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), S. Kronberg (USDA, USA) and S. Recous INRA, senior researcher in FARE.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

22 November 2018 - How nanopores in lignocellulose impact enzymatic hydrolysis

Lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysis is limited by enzyme accessibility to their substrate. Until now, relationship between nanoporosity and hydrolysis dynamics had not been studied.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

19 November 2018 - Visit of a delegation from VTT in Reims

VTT Finland is one of the most important technical research centres in Scandinavia and one of the world leaders in establishing a bioeconomy roadmap.

06 June 2023

By: B. Chabbert / G. Paës

14 novembre 2018 - A new French-Swiss project between FARE and EMPA

The bilateral project INTOS2 coordinated by FARE is funded by the ANR and the Fonds National Suisse.

06 June 2023

By: B. Chabbert / G. Paës

12 November 2018 - FARE invited in the Frontiers in Biorefining Congress

An award-winning poster and an invited lecture at the Frontiers in Biorefining Conference which occured from 05 to 08 November 2018 in Georgia in USA.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

15 October 2018 - FARE highlights in the annual report of CEPIA division at INRA

Annual report of CEPIA division at INRA selects each year some highlights from its labs' best results.

06 June 2023

By: S. Recous / G. Paës

02 October 2018 - Mission of FARE under the sun of the Reunion Island

Sylvie Recous was welcomed in Saint-Denis de la Réunion at CIRAD by the "Recycling and Risk" research team.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

27 September 2018 - FARE co-organises a symposium at the ACS spring meeting in 2019

The American Chemical Society organises twice a year a meeting gathering more than 10 000 scientists from all over the world. With more than 30 divisions, thousands of oral communications are given, with a chemistry perspective.