
06 June 2023

By: B. Chabbert / G. Paës

18 October 2017 - Raphaël Coste in Florida to map the properties of plant fibers

Raphaël has continued his PhD thesis work since August 2017 in the team of Dr. Laurène Tetard at the Center for Technology in Nanoscience (University of Central Florida).

06 June 2023

By: C. Rémond / G. Paës

29 September 2017 - Launch event of the Interreg Valbran project

The launch event of the Interreg Valbran project, carried out by FARE and the AFERE chair was organized on September 26th 2017. More than 70 people (French and Belgian journalists, scientists, industrials, political representatives) attended the event, which was organized on the Biowanze industrial site, the leader in the production of 1st generation bioethanol in Belgium.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

21 September 2017 - Predicting biomass saccharification by fluorescence spectroscopy

In the frame of the Futurol project dedicated to the production of second generation bioethanol, various biomass samples are pretreated then hydrolyzed before being fermented into ethanol.

06 June 2023

By: B. Chabbert / S. Recous / G. Paës

14 September 2017 - Monitoring hemp retting in the field

FARE sets up a tailored methodology to monitor hemp retting.

06 June 2023

By: B. Chabbert / G. Paës

11 September 2017 - Impact of growing practices on the production of hemp fiber

In collaboration with FRD and the University of Lille, we have evaluated the effect of hemp cultivation practices on fiber production and chemical variability of technical fibers for making materials.
Interactions protein-carbohydrate

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

19 July 2017 - Measurement of the interactions between proteins and carbohydrates

The interactions of proteins involved in plant cell wall hydrolysis, such as enzymes and CBMs, significantly determine their role and efficiency, but these interactions are most of the time measured with simple substrates non-representative of the cell wall complexity.
Stand INRA Culturales

06 June 2023

By: S. Recous / G. Paës

20 juin 2017 - FARE lab participates to the Culturales exhibition

The Culturales exhibition was organised on June 14th and 15th by Arvalis-Institut du Végétal on the experimental fields of Terralab (ex-Ferme 112) near Reims.

06 June 2023

By: H. Rakotoarivonina / C. Rémond / G. Paës

29 May 2017 - An integrated process to fractionate wheat bran and to purify ferulic acid

From the use of thermophilic hemicellulasic cocktails for the arabinoxylan fractionation to the production of ferulic acid

06 June 2023

By: G. Lashermes / G. Paës

10 May 2017 - A review on the mechanisms of storage and loss of carbon in soils

Soil carbon stocks depend both on carbon inputs and outputs. They are the consequence of interconnected mechanisms, acting at fine spatial scales, which stabilize/destabilize soil organic carbon.

06 June 2023

By: C. Rémond, G. Paës

03 May 2017 - Xylosides with anti-aging properties

Abundant in the plant walls, beta-D-xylopyranose (D-Xyl) is present only in the animal kingdom within the glycosaminoglycans (GAG), macromolecules of the extracellular matrix involved in many biological functions. GAG biosynthesis is initiated from protein-bound D-Xyl used as a substrate by a galactosyl transferase (beta-Gal T7). This biosynthesis decreases with age leading to skin relaxation (wrinkles). Functionalized on the anomeric position, D-xyl mimics the D-Xyl-protein set and initiates the exogenous synthesis of GAG thus limiting the age-related synthesis decay.
AFM of plant cell wall

06 June 2023

By: V. Aguié, B. Chabbert, G. Paës

27 April 2017 - Bioinspired films to understand the nanomechanical properties of plant cell walls

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) allows observation and measurement of physical and mechanical properties of plant cell walls at nanoscale level.
Syringaresinol-based resin

06 June 2023

By: J. Beaugrand / F. Allais / G. Paës

24 March 2017 - A new epoxy/amine resin produced from a natural bisphenol

A collaborative project between 6 laboratories, led by the Chaire ABI (Pr. Florent Allais) and the IJPB (Dr. Paul-Henri Ducrot), carried out by Dr Marine Janvier (Chaire ABI, IJPB) in association with teh FARE lab (Dr Johnny Beaugrand) has just reached a milestone in the domain of biosourced resin, by producing an epoxy/amine resin from syringaresinol, a natural bisphenol coming from sinapic acid. The synthesis method has used a chimio-enzymatic pathway.
Steam exploded biomass

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

02 March 2017 - Biomass pretreatment: effect of steam explosion

In the frame of the Futurol project dedicated to the production of second generation bioethanol, steam explosion pretreatment is a prerequisite to increase the enzymatic conversion of the recalcitrant lignocellulose.
Mr Mauguin, Mr. Marty and Mrs Lashermes

06 June 2023

By: G. Lashermes / G. Paës

21 February 2017 - FARE meets the President of Research Center and the CEO of INRA in Nancy

Several FARE scientists took part in the General Meeting of the INRA Nancy Lorraine Center in Champenoux, chaired by Erwin Dreyer and with the participation of several members of the INRA Management Board.

06 June 2023

By: J. Beaugrand / G. Paës

16 February 2017 - Impact of different variables on the properties of flax-based composites

Within the project EU KBBE “FIBRAGEN- flax for improved bio-materials through applied genomics” we had the opportunity to analyse relationships between the genotype, the fibre properties and their performance in composites processed with three contrasting methods in respect to severity (twin-screw extrusion and injection moulding (TSE).
Biomass sorting

06 June 2023

By: B. Chabbert / G. Paës

13 February 2017 - Analysis of infrared spectra to classify lignocellulosic biomass samples

Mid‐infrared (MIR) and near‐infrared (NIR) spectroscopies are rapid and non-destructive methods to characterize lignocellulosic biomass and transformation in biorefineries and environmental domains.
3D plant cell wall

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

26 January 2017 - FARE hires a permanent position for an INRA Research Scientist

The position is dediacted to "Modelling transformation processes of lignocellulosic biomass in 4D".
Fibres inside a composite

06 June 2023

By: F. Berzin / G. Paës

23 January 2017 - FARE supervises the publication of a book on composites

Called "Polymer composites and lignocellulosic fibers. Properties, transformation, characterization", this book has been edited by Françoise Berzin.
Parameters to assay probe accessibility

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

16 January 2017 - Fluorescent probes to explore accessibility of plant cell walls

Chemical and structural complexity of plant cell wall prevents enzymes from easily accessing biopolymers to be hydrolysed.

06 June 2023

By: S. Recous / G. Paës

10 January 2017 - Sylvie Recous appointed co-editor in chief of an international journal

She will manage the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development together with two co-editors in chief, Jacques Le Bot and Jean-Marc Meynard.
Happy new year 2017

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

05 January 2017 - Happy New Year 2017

All FARE staff wishes you a happy new year and a great success in all your projects!