
SOFIA meeting

06 June 2023

By: S. Recous / G. Paës

03 June 2016 - SOFIA project gathers professionnals of agriculture and environment

A meeting of the SOFIA project took place in the agro-environmental INRA Centre of Estrées-Mons (Picardy, France).
Atelier SoilMécaSeqC

06 June 2023

By: G. Lashermes / G. Paës

04 April 2016 – FARE participates to the workshop of the coordination network SoilMacaSeqC

The research coordination network "SoilMecaSeqC" was created for studying mechanisms of organic matter stabilization in soil.

06 June 2023

By: S. Recous

23 March 2016 - 3rd workshop of the CN-MIP project coordinated by FARE took place in Rome

This workshop, coordinated by Sylvie Recous from FARE lab, took place in CRA 7-10 March under the hospice of Pr Roberta Farina.
Mickaël in front of the confocal microscope

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

03 March 2016 - Intensive microscopy training for Mickaël Herbaut in New-Zealand

In the frame of his PhD thesis, Mickaël Herbaut stays for 2 weeks in a lab very very far from France...
ELB 2016

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

22 January 2016 - Call for participation to ELB 2016 meeting

"Exploring lignocellulosic biomass!" meeting to celebrate the 15th anniversary of FARE lab will take place in Reims, 23-23 June 2016.
Carte de voeux FARE 2016

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

1st January 2016 - FARE wishes you a happy new year

All the members of the FARE lab wish you a happy new year and successful projects.
Graduate School of Agriculture

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës / B. Chabbert

15 December 2015 - Brigitte Chabbert's mission in the Land of the Rising Sun

Brigitte Chabbert has received funding from the Kyoto University Foundation for a 3-week mission in the Tree Cell Physiology lab, Graduate School of Agriculture.
Xylopyranoside synthesis

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

12 November 2015 - A review article on xylopyranoside synthesis

Researchers from FARE, in collaboration with some colleagues from the Molecular Chemistry Institute of Reimls, have juste published a relevant review article.

06 June 2023

By: G. Lashermes

06 October 2015 - FARE welcomes the VSoil (Virtual Soil) platform

A modelling workshop on the organic matter transformations with the VSoil platform took place in FARE in October 1-2, 2015

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

04 September 2015 - UMR FARE participates in a European project on biofuels

In the frame of the european call Horizon 2010 low-carbon energy, the BABET-REAL5 project got funding for 4 years.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

22 July 2015 - Mickaël Herbaut presents his video

The14th International Congress for Stereology & Image Analysis took place in Liège, Belgium in the beginning of July.
3D plant cell wall

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

15 June 2015 - Plant Cell Wall in the hand!

The architecture of plant cell walls has been built using 3D printing

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

1st June 2015 - A rich week of international collaborations

FARE welcomes two overseas researchers during one week

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

14 May 2015 - FARE presents some results at the Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting (CBM) in Finland

The 11th CBM took place in Espoo in May 10-13, 2015.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

09 April 2015 - An international project dedicated to the simulation of greenhouse gas emission

The second meeting of the CN-MIP project, coordinated by Sylvie Recous, Research Director in the UMR FARE, was organised the 03-06 March 2015 in Fort Collins, Colorado (USA).

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

1st April 2015 - A collaboration in the antipodes with SCION

Brigitte Chabbert and Gabriel Paës, researchers in the UMR FARE, have stayed 1 week in SCION, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Happy new year 2015 from UMR FARE

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

08 January 2015 - UMR FARE wishes you a happy new year

All the FARE lab staff wish you a happy new year 2015, with fruitful collaborations and success in your projects.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

24 September 2014 - UMR participates to the cross-border day dedicated to hemp and agro-materials

The conferences will present the up-to-date advancements in the technical performance of hemp-based materials, in building, automotive and plastics
Science Feast 2014

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

15 Septmeber 2014 - UMR FARE participates to the 2014 Edition of the Science Feast

The Science Feast will start the 08th until the 12th of October. In Reims, the Science Village will be settled in the Moulin de la Housse campus, in the Science Faculty, where you will meet some scientists from UMR FARE.
Wyatt Heleos 2

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

07 August 2014 - New multiangle light scattering detector

A multi-angle light scattering detector has just been installed in the lab, connected to a chromatographic system, through a co-funding of the Région Champagne-Ardenne and the ANR project Funlock.

06 June 2023

By: G. Paës

28 July 2014 - The Lignoprog project funded by the ANR

Among the projects funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) in the 2014 call, the Lignoprog project has been selected in the challenge "Secure, clean and efficient energy".